Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Pfollowing Pfleger

I just wanted to insert a pointer here. Those of you who check WarOnGuns in the morning may not have seen this post from yesterday afternoon.

Snuffy is at it again.

This was my suggestion:

Some want to ramp it up further and start playing hard ball.


Y'know, I really wouldn't mind some company...and while you're at it, why not go for two...?

UPDATE: Thirdpower also covered this.


  1. to the archdiocese on their form;

    Are you always afraid Pfleger will call for his parishioners to "snuff" you out, as he has done to others, if you require him to obey the rules of the church and the law of the land?

    Is it true you would rather lose your tax-exempt status than oppose this man who may be a priest, but sure as Hell is no Christian?

    In view of the lack of courage, strength and judgment on the part of the archdiocese, why would anyone, Catholic or no, value anything you have to say. You can't or won't even keep your own house in order. You have no standing to advise others.
    As you can see, just a friendly little request for information.

  2. I know the Methodist and Episcopal churches are officially anti-gun from the top down because they think it means being anti-violence (they say).
    Willful ignorance or useful idiots?
    Trying hard not to say that more children have been injured by pedophile priests than any of our guns. Oops, too late.


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