Monday, November 17, 2008

Shooting Blanks

A 17-year-old Washington County high school student died Saturday after firing a blank-shooting prop pistol used for a play. [More]
What do they think an explosive discharge through a metal tube is going to do? Ruffle their hair?

The liberal arts aren't really all that strong on basic physics, are they?

This is the same type of ignorance that Jon-Erik Hexum killed himself with.

And naturally, his co-star at the time, Jennifer O'Neill, who gave herself "a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the abdomen" is big on "gun control."

Many adult actors really do appear to be less mature than your average high-schooler.

So: who thinks encouraging young people to be ignorant about handling firearms is a good idea? You know, if we only banned guns, we wouldn't need to train them because stuff like this would never happen.


  1. Just a little bit of chlorine in the gene pool.

  2. Brandon Lee? No, this is more idiotic.

    It hits me a bit close to home as I've been on set for a few days now gun wrangling for a student film. Most people are good and have retained what I told them. One guy who's only been there twice now however is the kind of person who would walk up to a bear and poke it in the eye. Ignores everything I told him. He's impatient, annoying, and dangerous. He's grabbed it more then once and started pulling the trigger, not even asking that question one is bound to hear "is it loaded?" He just will not listen, or cannot retain what he was just told. College kid, not old enough to drink. Got to the point I started taking photos and holding the gun between shots.

    There's only so much you can do to stop stupid people from doing stupid things. You can talk 'til you're blue in the face but sometimes they don't listen. Had it been MY film he would have been escorted off set day 1.

    I'm sure this poor kid was told the same things. It's one of the reasons I think they should teach gun safety, complete with "blood on the pavement" type movies to illustrate things that can happen when you do something like this.


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