Sunday, November 02, 2008

The State of the Union it still lies to its members. But the union bosses don't seem to be missing any meals, do they?

Yeah, I'll be buying into Communist Workers Party propaganda real soon...

Why do I suddenly feel like going out and renting "On the Waterfront"?

[Via Skip]


  1. reports that the AFL-CIO is about to unleash "a blitz of mailers defending Obama on gun rights that's aimed strictly at union households made up of gun owners."

    How do they know where to send the mailers? Does the AFL-CIO require members to register their guns with the union bureaucracy?

    Stellar idea.

  2. I do not support what the unions have evolved into, but I would remind everyone of the conditions that existed before unions.

    Republic Steel, Ford Motor Co., Appalachia Coal Mine Owners, et al.

    What unions are today is an obscenity to what they were and what they accomplished in the past. But they were necessary and are today, but not in their present form.

    At their inception they were much like second amendment supporters. Today of course they are much more like Stalin supporters, but let us not forget the very real contributions they made to the asecendance of the middle class.

    But, like any organization with a lock on its segment of the population, they went off the rails, much like the NRA today. Nobody would say the NRA hasn't done great work in the past, but no thinking man today really believes they are currently about anything but self-aggrandizement.

    I can defend neither in their present forms, but let us remember why they were formed and not react so harshly and emotionally as to destroy the principles along with the monsters they have become.

  3. No question--I'm fully behind the idea of workers uniting to protect their interests. It is, as you say, what unions have evolved into today that is despicable.

  4. On the Waterfront - sounds good to me... That's what I love about the bloggers I like - they laugh and can make us laugh with them even from the pits of - well, you know.

    Maybe they'll hand out the Communist Workers Party propaganda manual and workbook soon so we can be happy in our threadbare uniforms...

    Yep, On the Waterfront it is.


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