Friday, November 14, 2008

This Day in History: November 14

November 14, 1775 at Kemps Landing, Virginia - Learning that about 150 American militiamen were marching to join forces with other militia under Col. William Woodford, Lord Dunmore led some 350 British (regulars, Loyalists, sailors, and runaway slaves) from Norfolk to cut off the American militia. On November 14, Dunmore's larger force caught up with and dispersed the Americans, who suffered a few dead and wounded. An account in the New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury declared that the public would be incensed "on finding Lord Dunmore had taken into his service the very scum of the country, to assist him in his diabolical schemes." Conclusion: British Victory.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Lord Dunmore lived long enough to see the creation of the phrase "guerilla warfare"...


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