Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tolerance... a two-way street.

I wonder why stunts like this are never tried in fundamentalist mosques?

[Via ebd10]


  1. I would suggest that not only are stunts like this not done in mosques, that they weren't done here either. Nice fairy tale, though. I particularly enjoyed the relief that no children witnesses any of the potential sex acts. But then neither did anyone else, apparently. What can you expect when you only live in the potential world?

    By the way, is "Jesus was gay" profane? I can see how it would be blasphemous.

  2. I guess I can believe an anonymous poster or I can go with what's out there from sources on the right, like I linked to, or the left, like this:

    As for whether or not your question should be considered profane, why not ask some Muslims in person the same question about Muhammad, and let us know what they say?

  3. Most of the places where I have gone to church would have been a dangerous setting for such an attack. "Law" or not, I never went unarmed, and I knew several others who were likewise prepared, not that we were expecting anything of this sort.

  4. Had they done this anywhere I might be in the hopes of taping a violent act in contradiction of their actions, I can promise you their ambition would have been satisfied.

  5. Further, I do not believe in the concept of proportional response. I am of the Leo Durocher school, "I ain't working on this call, I'm working on the next one."

    In other words, I would and do support inflicting enough punishment that they never want a second round.

  6. Sounds amusing but pointless. To answer a couple of questions:

    I expect stunts like this aren't tried in mosques because Christians are the ones responsible for persecuting gay people in this country, not Muslims.

    "Jesus was gay" is not profane. The person who said that probably didn't know what profane means.

  7. Maybe you should have linked to the story in the first place. But then, it doesn't provide the details of the other link, no matter how contrived.

    BTW, if anonymity bothers you so much, why do you offer it?

  8. I didn't have that story in the first place--I worked off the tip I was given and didn't see a need for multiple sources, as I'd also seen other accounts elsewhere. You can have your money back if you don't think I'm working hard enough for you.

    My comment about anonymity was to point out that you are setting yourself up as an authority to refute what is presented, but give nothing to establish your credibility for why we should believe you over the published account--and to give you a way to prove your theory. You don't have to reveal yourself to me--just have the courage of your convictions to prove it to yourself. You can do that by asking Muslims the same question about Muhammad--I need never know who you are. But if you're that sure of yourself, you should have no problem letting them know.

  9. Hagler, would you mind pointing out to me some credible examples of Christians persecuting "gay" people in this country. Dates, times, places, who, what, when, where, how. I'm very interested.

  10. sean, have you never heard of Westboro Baptist Church? Or Focus on the Family or any of the other groups of supposed Christians who spend a great deal of time and money trying to make certain gay people are kept from exercising their human rights?
    You might dispute whether these people are real Christians or not, or haggle over the definition of "persecute", but put yourself in their shoes for a day and see what you think.

  11. Uh huh, Kent. Except it is the vast majority of Christians who ignore assholes like Phelps or actively oppose him.

    They did it where they did because they fully expected tolerance enough not to have their heads sawn off.

    Walk into any mosque and call Mohammed a child molester, which he certainly was, and let me know about your perspective on persecution then, Ken.


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