Thursday, December 11, 2008

And the Lightworker Said...

...Let us make a nation in our image, after our likeness...

Nice to see the religious ecstasy wasn't just a campaign ploy, and we can look forward to at least four years of eye-rolling idolatry.

Where's that "wall of separation" when you really need it...?


  1. The Devil's greatest triumph has been to convince people that he doesn't exist.

  2. Well, it looks as if we have another four years of being told we need to apologize for being U.S. citizens, for having christian forefathers who founded our country, and for buying slaves from the africans and muslims who captured and sold the ones they didn't either eat or keep for themselves

    Personally, my government programed guilt has worn damn thin over the past 65 years and I'm getting to the point where my give-a-sh*ter just won't crank anymore. In the words of the song, "Get over it!"

  3. "Where's that "wall of separation" when you really need it...?"

    In Jefferson's private writings, where it always was. Only a politician would be worried about "America's image", when the rest of us are worried about what's inside an American's heart. Get ready: here comes four more years of horrible behavior wearing a red, white and blue facade.


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