Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Stupid Republican

Mere illegal possession now means time behind bars for all but a few — the result of a bill signed into law in January...

One of those sponsors, Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, R-Essex, Morris, Somerset, Union, said a state attorney general's directive addressing the new law was supposed to provide immediate relief for the unintended targets of the legislation...

...the directive made it far more likely that just about everyone else, including first-time offenders, will spend at least a year in state prison. [More]
Way to go, moron. Thanks a lot.

Where does the GOP find these tools?

I wonder what some people would do to avoid a year behind bars with sociopathic scum and gang-affiliated guards?

At what point will they force people to realize "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"...?

[Via Jeffersonian]


  1. Incredibly. Glad I left 20 years ago. NJ is speeding along on the way to being consumed totally by a festering urban morasse of gangs, drugs, violence, political corruption and the unabated oppression of the hard working and honest masses through more onerous laws and taxes. Possible three years of hard time for the heinous crime of possessing a pellet gun? "Meant just for gang members", "all kinds of Constitutional attacks"...right. "There will be a lot more people going to prison" [in NJ for trumped up violations]. Yes, there will be. "We don't want people carrying guns in their waistbands. We don't want people carrying guns in their cars." Hell, they don't want people owning guns period. This is one more step in that direction. A microcosm of the state of our Republic I'm sure. Can somebody who knows more than I do about the fall of the Roman Empire tell me where the parallels lie between NJ (US in general) and Rome?

  2. And the r's wonder why they lost. The parallels between us and history are many, 1930's Germany comes to mind.

  3. Will NJ still give you 18 mos for each 'more than 10 rd' mag in your possession?

    This nonsense started in NJ around '66 with passage of the 'foid and permit for every pistol purchase' crap and has gotten worse with every succeeding regime whether nominally r or d, it makes no difference. Of course you boobs elect eltist prigs like Capo Corzine so what would you expect?


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