Friday, December 19, 2008

Because, You Know...

...they're doing such a good job...


  1. Typical conduct of criminals.

  2. Is it okay to laugh at this, or is it bad taste to do so?

    I ponder the meaning of the term "automatic raise". Is the timing determined by some sort of indestructible robot that can't be reprogrammed? Social security payoffs may be going up, but how about the cost of the additional 200,000 federal employees now being sought, bringing the total to 2.7 million?

  3. Is the timing determined by some sort of indestructible robot that can't be reprogrammed?

    Well of course it is. It's the law. Why, if members of Congress didn't obey the law, there'd be chaos! Anarchy! Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria...

    It's their duty, you see. They didn't want to take the raises. It's the law, that's all. They're taking one for the team. It's for the children. The message is 'Obey the law.'



  5. A raise would have been in order and well deserved, with a rope.

  6. "However, at 2.8 percent, the automatic raise that lawmakers receive is only half as large as the 2009 cost of living adjustment of Social Security recipients"
    The small raises that S.S. gets is usually taken 100% for insurance payments to medicare and medicade.


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