Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Gray Lady Gloats

In fact, Mr. Obama has long been a supporter of the argument, disputed by this page, that the Second Amendment bestows an individual right to bear arms unrelated to raising a militia.
And The Times wonders why its readership is in the toilet.

Expect to see these "talking points" parroted all over the leftist media. Also expect it to come from the RINO wing of the Republican party, the neoconartists who maintain we just weren't neoconny enough, and we need to steer the ship even further to port side.

McCain lost because he sucks. He wants to end private sales. Sure, some gun owners dutifully fell in the nose-holding line, but that's not enough. Without inspiration, there is no fire in the belly. That reflects on donations, volunteers, enthusiasm and even participation in the process.

And bringing up Elizabeth Dole as proof that the dream is over? The same Liddy Dole with the huge "but", whose husband also betrayed us? What NRA was doing getting into bed with this cow in the first place is a better story.

Still, The Times may be right, and pragmatic politics may not save us. I know some don't think we should make any plans or practice before the Big Game, or even talk about it, but every serious player I know is doing an equipment check and running through playbooks prior to suiting up.

Just in case anybody actually has to go out on the field and get dirty.

I know talking about the insurrectionary intent the Founders envisioned for the Second Amendment makes some uncomfortable, but without it, what good is it?

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: Vanderboegh weighs in.


  1. "I know talking about the insurrectionary intent the Founders envisioned for the Second Amendment makes some uncomfortable, but without it, what good is it?"

    NONE. Without the very real probability of people dying over an attempt to impose tyranny, the Second Amendment is a toothless, fantasy monster.

    The Second Amendment was designed to promote the very real possibility of a bloody civil war. That way, everybody minds their P's and Q's.

    If someone is uncomfortable with that, they are uncomfortable with history, and live in a fantasy world of their own making.

  2. "Without a Clue, the NYT Does Victory Dance on Gun Control"

    My take on the Dowager Dunce Dance.

  3. "Insurrection" is the act of opposing an "established government". So, I'll establish my own government, consisting of myself (wait, I've already done that since I "self-govern"), and see if any local insurrectionists wearing badges try to oppose me. After all, there was no mention of how long the government had to be established before it was "insurrection" to oppose it.


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