Wednesday, December 03, 2008

House of Blues

Yesterday, we anticipated the arrival of anti-gun mayors in Cleveland for a public discussion of their plot against Liberty. They did not fail to disappoint.

Nor, we shall see, did our friends in the media.
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column.

I was on a conference call yesterday hosted by the CEO. There's been a lot of progress on this start-up venture, which really only began a few months ago, and big plans for investment in growth in 2009.

I cannot over-emphasize, if this column is to be worth the effort, how important it is for friends of this blog who find value here on a regular basis to make a point of visiting my Examiner site and spreading the links to your gun-owner friends. As it stands now, my column is consistently the most popular in both my geographic area and category, but the stats need a lot more growth before any heads are turned.

I hope WoG regulars will realize I'm doing what I can. If you think I suck, I'm not asking you to change your mind. But if you like it here, I could really use some consistent support at spreading the word, or at least clicking on the link and reading the dang thing every weekday.


  1. I have been going to it from time to time by book mark. Should I go to it from this site to make sure the counter counts?

  2. Doesn't matter. Thanks.

    And tell a friend.

  3. Part of the stats problem is RSS feeds. Once someone subscribes, it doesn't show up as regular hits.

    Is your provider able to grab those stats also (besides browser hits)??


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