Monday, December 29, 2008

Mom With a Gun

Meleanie Hain interview. [More]

I see some on "our side" are putting her down.

I think that's wrong. It works to the detriment of pioneers championing normalization, and to the continued empowerment of punks like these.

[Via TJP]


  1. Why on earth are people on our side putting her down? That is some of the issues facing the gun movement, some gun folks find what she did wrong, when in fact she did everything within the confounds of the law. She is a fellow Pennsylvanian and I am proud of her and glad she is standing her ground.

  2. FYI

    When I click on the "more" link after the words "Melanie Hain interview" the page takes me to windows live login and asks me to login. Not sure if this was intended, just wanted to make you aware. Feel free to delete this comment, just wnateed to bring it o your attention.


  3. Anthony got it first - the "more" link is taking me to a Windows LiveID login page.

    And for what it's worth, I'm actually on her side.

  4. For myself , and myself only I choose not to open carry . However the point is that it is a choice , in my state it is legal , and in the rural area i live in even the most liberal among us would consider it " eccentric " ( more or less on the line with loving polka and owning an accordion to inflict on others ) . No one here would see it as a " threat " , nor would the local as David puts it " Only ones " respond favorably to PSH about a person with a gun . Now in my little call it tri county area that i frequent i know 4 , maybe 5 folk who open carry . I most likely know a couple hundred who conceal carry , and some of them even legally . I do strongly belive that self defense is an absolute right , and so is the best means of same . I also believe that guns like data benefit from off site backups . I support Meleanie in her quest to have her rights recognised without any penalty otherwise . I dont think she made the wise choice here , but i support her .
    I will further note that tho in the last couple of months things have gone kinda pear shaped for we gun enthusiasts and the market ( everything one would want seems to be selling at unheard of prices ). The price of machine tools and tooling has not raised a lick, in fact some bargens are to be found . I bothered in the the last year or so to pick up a " mini mill ", a genset , and a small lathe whereby if i am careful i can literally set up a shop out of the back of a pickup . Now who should they worry about , Her or ME ?

  5. I screwed up on the link coding. It ought to be better now.

    And I'm not pointing fingers at specific individuals for a reason--primarily so we can discuss concepts and their merits without anyone feeling like I'm attacking them personally.

  6. Farm Dad--if you read my "Only Ones" qualifier in the sidebar, a repeat of something I've stated numerous times, you'll see I wouldn't attach that label to the peace officers you're describing.

  7. Fair enough. I believe that there are legitimate criticisms that can be leveled at the open carry movement, but I don't believe that Melanie is guilty of them in this case. She didn't open carry because she was looking to draw attention to herself, she open carries because it's legal and convenient. And then, when the government decided that they didn't like a law abiding citizen obeying the law, they tried to smack her down, and she fought back. Good for her.

  8. David, I'm with you in supporting Ms Hain.

    I actually read all the comments after the news story and found some real gems.

    “it was mentioned that the people in attendance were alarmed.” And “It sounds that there were plenty of alarmed people.” - A closer look at this will probably reveal that one person created the disturbance and/or alarm over Ms Hain’s open carry by bellyaching loudly to any one who would listen

    "if you think that having well trained officers carrying a firearm in public is the same as this "can't see my gun over my own belly" attention seeker, you are simply too closed minded to bother dealing with." - How many "can't see my gun over my own belly" police officers do we know? Also, how many “well trained officers” are in existence. Most departments require only yearly firearms proficiency demonstrations and that’s because state law requires it. I can remember seeing veteran officers carrying green brass cases with powdery white lead bullets in their city issued bullet loops.

    “the guy who was having a seizure was in the Walmart and the cops showed up after people called them and had they not tazered him, I imagine the cops wouldve (sic) had to resort to a good ole' fashion thumping to get him under control.” - Here again, we see a lack of training. One should not attempt to restrain a seizure victim. The victim should be left alone until the seizure passes and items that could cause him injury should be removed from his immediate presence.

    “As far as her carrying a gun for safety - its one in a million she'd be in a situation where she would need to use it. And if that one in a million chance were to happen she'd most like get blown away because she does not have the tactics or training to take down a suspect.” - Ms Hain very well may have the necessary training and if not, she’s sharing a boat with a lot of police officers who have not received the training required for SWAT teams. - Again, it’s very unlikely one will be involved in a car crash but we do wear seat belts even if it’s only because the state forces us to do so. And, the state mandated automobile airbags have killed more than just a few.

    “Seriously, cops are trained when and when not to use force. What type of training do you pistol packing rednecks have?” - Most cops receive classroom training as to when and when not to use force and very often that so-called training goes smooth out the window when they get into a stress situation. Take a look at a few episodes of COPS and what happens at the end of some car chase that FOX carries live from Los Angeles.

    In closing (finally), Some of the commentors said they would be afraid for Ms Hain to keep their children in her day care center. Apparently, those idiots would rather have their defenseless children kept in a free fire zone. I would be proud to know that my children and grandchildren would be protected by someone who has the balls to stand up to tyranny and criminals.

  9. I have had people point out to me a person open carrying in the past. My laughing reaction shut them up quickly.


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