Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Perfect Opportunity...

“No questions asked, no ID required,” assured the Rev. Ikenna Kokayi of the United African American Ministerial Action Council, which is spearheading the program.
That doesn't mean we can't ask a question of our own--like will you now accept responsibility for our safety?

This seems like a great way to introduce this card.

Anybody have contact with activist gun owners in San Diego who might want to try this and report on it?

[Via DJK]


  1. I emailed the information and links to a patriot in SD. I'll let you know what he says about it. :)

  2. You'll never get anyone on SDPD to sign it, besides, the department has gone into the shitter in the last decade. It USED TO BE a great department, but not anymore. Everyone I know who works there says it's no longer the honorable, citizen-respecting, community-oriented department it used to be. and that's too bad, it used to be a great department with a reputation for fair and honest police work that respected the people it worked with/for.

    I have an old POS RG .22 revolver I was thinking about taking down and turning in, but it belonged to my grandfather and still carries sentimental value (and still shoots reliably). I'll see if I can dig up some other old broken guns to see if I can turn them in for hard cash.

    These programs are so stupid and misguided, they do nothing more than make the organizers feel good and generate positive press while doing NOTHING to stop or even slow down the criminal use of pieces of machinery. Such IDIOTS.

  3. You'll never get ANY dept to sign it. That's the point.


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