Sunday, December 14, 2008

Red Light District

Fullerton's red-light camera program violates a state law that bars cities from paying vendors based on the revenue their tickets generate, an Orange County Superior Court judge has ruled.
I used to drive through that intersection every day for years, to and from work, and to get to the freeway to visit customers.

I thought of several ways to monkeywrench the damn things but taking the profit out of "public/private partnerships" is the best solution of all...

Since revenue-sharing doesn't appear to be an issue, I don't think the same principles can be applied to these creepy fascist rope sellers, but there's gotta be some way to mire them down--that is, if the pure suckiness of their idea isn't enough. So far, it looks like they've made a lot of noise but no real headway.

If that assessment is correct, perhaps we should be encouraging the gunbashers to expend more resources into dead-end ventures...that'd be less they'd have to invest in more effective attacks.

Kind of like what I tried to do here, with "our man in the gun ban camp." Nobody's heard from that loser for a while, have they? Aside from his domain name being unused...?


  1. Don't worry. They'll change the law to get rid of that pesky part. Government always benefits itself.

  2. I'm very likely going to spend the ~$50 for a license plate cover from, since I'm not quite ready yet to dump the internal passport and car plates yet.

  3. Ah, crap. It's "" - the above site is a spamtrap.


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