Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tightening their Death Grip

The Los Angeles City Council approved a package of gun control laws Wednesday...
Click on the title link and read this.

Then watch the video.

They say they intend this to be the model for the nation.

Anybody think these tyrants are interested in peaceable resolution, or will ultimately be moved by anything short of pure self interest?

Look at Bratton claiming .50 cal "Only One" primacy. And talking "Godzilla." What an ass.

And Villaraigosa--guy can't even control his own di...libido as he gets cover from the watchdog press...but he wants to control you and me.

Then there's Jack Weiss. "Make our day?"

Perhaps, Jack. Some of us lived through seeing LA paralyzed, ceding entire neighborhoods to the zombie hordes--and that was in response to acts of government. And guess what, Jack--I went about my business every day armed in defiance of you frauds. Don't think I was alone.

Imagine what an act of nature or mass destruction will do to your smugness. The only good thing will be to expose you and your partners in crime for the powerless wretches you truly are when you don't have a cadre of enforcers on immediate hand to do your bidding.

Meanwhile, "our side" is left with arguing the new edicts "either conflict with or are duplicated by state law." Which means even if we "win," it's OK if it comes from Sacramento? Even though every one of us knows what an infringement is, but that can't even be argued?

And here's the real chiller--telling a man he can't run for city attorney unless he divests himself of all affiliation from NRA. Everyone gets how Nazi-caliber evil that is, right?

That's more than an in your face to all gun owners. If you think about it, it's taxation without representation.

These evil bastards will make war on us ideologically, politically, legally and physically. They won't stop until they're stopped. They won't let us alone and they won't let us live in peace.

If you're looking for a democratic solution in Los Angeles, forget it. Majority rule says "No."

So it will be interesting to see where the legal challenge goes.

If that doesn't work, then what?

Appeal to Obama's Justice Department?

[Via Maureen and JPR9]


  1. it'll be fun to watch southern california erupt into violence and flames. i was too young to notice and be attentive, last time.

    or are you supposed to avert your eyes, in case you turn into a pillar of salt?

  2. This man is utter human excrement. There is no other city on Earth that could come up with a more idiotic or willfully destructive person than LA, CA. His contempt for reality is astonishing.

  3. State Law of California claims supremacy in such issues and does not allow cities or municipalities to create laws more strict than the state laws.

    SF spent a bunch of money finding this out quite recently. LA is welcome to waste money on a losing battle if they wish, but the laws will be swept away by the state.

  4. Anyone with any sense should leave Kalifornia and let the collectivists writhe in their socialist cesspool/paradise, where the control freaks have absolute and utter control.

    There is no Galt's Gulch, but there are places, still, in these United States, where free men live as free men.

    I say good riddance to Kalifornia cede it back to Mexico and let the residual clingers rot in the thrid world.


  5. Oh I'm planning my escape, as are most productive people/business owners/retirees I know.
    Oh.. BTW... is the crime rate of .50 weapons at an "all-time low" ? Oh, it always has been nil? Hmmm why the long face then, Bratton?
    SECRET COMPARTMENTS IN CARS? Glad to know they tackled the crime problem and have time on their hands...

  6. "If you're looking for a democratic solution in Los Angeles, forget it. Majority rule says "No.""

    Well unless you are talking about Prop 8, or Prop 187 back in the 90's then it's MINORITY Rule according to the Courts.

    The fact is all the council and that worthless POS Villaragangbanger did was create a new and exciting business opportunity.

  7. Bushwack - Bingo. The sad thing is, the people capitalizing on it will generally be the unsavory sort who also do things like robbing and killing. You know, the real criminals.

    Because honest, good people are too scared of what might happen if they get caught to do something so right, from a moral, an economic and a personal perspective, as sell an "illegal gun!"

    You want to see a real turnaround? The day smuggling "illegal guns" into California is a family business is the day we win.

  8. The royal parasites cracking their whips on the servants who must follow their orders.
    Anyone that would live under such nonsense is and idiot. That hellhole has lost so many productive citizens to the nearby states, yet the royal parasites don't seemingly care or get it. Its business as usual, you do as we demand because we are your masters.

  9. Loved the smirks in the video when that jabbut made his "Gozilla" crack. "Oh, we're so very witty and superior."

    LA has always been a sewer and will continue to be until The Big One finally launches it on its voyage. Pretty much the same can be said for the whole Socal coast. Lived there for eight or nine years, and couldn't wait to leave.

    "Secret gun compartments?" Sheesh!

  10. Were I a betting man I'd put a dollar in the pool that LA could very well be chosen as Mumbai phase II.
    Not to wish anyone ill, but sometimes you get what you ask for.


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