Friday, December 19, 2008

We're the Only Ones Given a Pass Enough

DUI Arrest Is Officer's 4th This Year

...Two of the drunken driving charges against Lt. Kenneth W. Parrish were dropped by county prosecutors, one of them in a plea deal and the other when the arresting officer failed to appear for a court hearing.
Would it be so terribly wrong of me to wonder if some kind of "Only One" favoritism is being shown here...? And why the county prosecutors and the truant arresting officer aren't required to answer some tough question...under oath?

[Via Andre D]

1 comment:

  1. I'll remind you of the "civilian" herein Ohio who had 13.

    I say they give this guy the "only one" overlook for, say, another 2 dozen at least.

    "Hylton said Parrish has had a difficult year, struggling with the death of his mother and the breakup of his marriage, events that the chief said prompted the lieutenant to drink excessively."

    That falls under the logic that "guns cause suicide." Never could it be the other way around.

    I also seem to remember something on those "these aren't registration forms" about being addicted to any drug or controlled substance. Funny how only ones (both the recent standoffs here in Ohio) this guy, and God knows how many others are addicted to booze and yet still get to play with our lives daily. No, I don't want them sticking their noses into private lives, but we're talking only ones here who are much better that the little people they deal with.


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