Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's Only a Movie

"One (officer) grabbed my daughter Beth (18 years), who also had a gun to her face, slammed her down and kneed her in the back and held her in that position… My sons Adam (14) and Noah (only 7) lay down willingly, yet they were still forced to put their hands behind their backs and were yelled at to keep their heads down.

"My daughter Jeanette was coming out from the back bedroom when she was grabbed, drug down the hallway, across a couch and slammed to the ground," she said. "The officers then began throwing scissors and screwdrivers across the room (out of our reach, I suppose) and going through our cupboards.

"I asked if I could make a phone call and was told, 'no.' My daughter asked if that wasn't one of our rights. The reply was made, 'That's only in the movies,'" she told WND.
Assuming these are the facts, the sheriff's department is committing acts of war against citizens. Assuming these are the facts, the only way this will stop is when the personal costs of such behavior outweigh the perceived benefits.

Red's Update for 1/10/08

From Ryan Horsley:
Here is my post on Utah Senator Bob Bennett, who seems to side with ATF over gun dealers.

Also Gun Owners of America provides input on the new BATFE Reform Act.

Where There's a Will...

Police are receiving an urgent warning: be on the lookout for an old-style gun that's apparently making a comeback on the streets.

...And what's even scarier – the gun can apparently be made at home.
I trust we'll be able to do an NICS check on all these folks...?

Debusmann Burned

Is America, land of shooting massacres in schools and public places, slowly falling out of love with guns?
With his very first statement, Bernd Debusmann reveals for all to see that he's more interested in being obnoxious than engaging in an examination of the merits of his arguments. And relying on Josh Sugarmann to bolster his wishful thinking just confirms what we're dealing with.

Sorry, Bernd. We're not French smokers. And neat propaganda term: "gun rampages." Made possible only because fools like you enable "gun free zones" prohibiting "defensive gun uses."

Bottom line: If someone came into Bernd's Reuters office--no doubt another place where guns are prohibited--with evil and violent intent, just what do you think he'd be prepared to personally do about it? If the answer is "nothing," isn't that pretty much a contemptible position for a "man" to intentionally put himself in?

A Wrongheaded Extremist

It's past time to voice our disgust with wrongheaded extremists.

OK, but while you're voicing it, let me ask a few questions:

Wouldn't you have preferred that your son had a fighting chance to save his life?

Why are you bent on consigning other parents to the same anguish you are suffering--under armed force of law?

If someone brought guns one of those public place where you think they don't belong, and then began shooting, what precisely would you be able to do to protect yourself , your loved ones and anyone else until the police arrived?

If you won't protect yourself, why would you expect someone else to risk his life protecting you?
I'm sorry for your pain, but not so sorry I'll let you use it as a claim on my life, or the lives of those I love. Go ahead and give each of these questions an unequivocal answer, and we'll see who the wrongheaded extremist really is.

We're the Only Ones "This Bud's for Me" Enough

A small-town police chief has been fired after he was convicted of stealing beer from the fire department's refrigerator.
He was canned. Get it...?

Oh, never mind.

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]

We're the Only Ones Getting a Bang Out of Our Jobs Enough

Madison's police commission has heard allegations that several town officers have had encounters with prostitutes while working the overnight shift.
I wonder if they at least paid them...

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]