Sunday, January 20, 2008

We're the Only Ones Kissing You Off Enough

A Houston woman and her husband filed suit against state Rep. Borris Miles on Friday, asking that he be tested for sexually transmitted diseases and claiming he forced a kiss on the woman at a holiday party.

The Harris County District Attorney's Office has been investigating a complaint that Miles entered a St. Regis Hotel ballroom uninvited, confronting guests, displaying a pistol and forcibly kissing another man's wife.
"Displaying a pistol"?

He reportedly "referred to himself as a 'gangster' and a 'thug' as he "threatened a business rival and brandished a gun."

And this same article tells us:
In July, Miles made news when he shot a man in the leg who was apparently trying to steal copper wiring from a home Miles was building. He is licensed to carry a concealed weapon and was not charged in the shooting.

Just one thing about that. It didn't stop him from "oppos[ing] a bill giving Texans stronger right to defend themselves with deadly force."

I guess now we can see why.

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]

A Solution We Can All Live With

We need a stricter gateway of regulations and education system before people are allowed the privilege of handling firearms. Had Hunter been taught the proper handling and laws of gun ownership, and had Talovic had to go through months of gun education, the Trolley Square incidents could have been prevented, and the life of Vanessa Quinn could have been saved. An extended waiting time and licensing for the initial privilege of gun ownership -- keeping guns in the hands of only those who have proven themselves worthy -- is a solution we can all live with.

The United Violent Stalkers of America salute Janice Kopaunik's proposal to require "months of gun education" before any in the "law-abiding" victim pool can obtain the means of defense. And they applaud the University of Utah for not teaching their starry-eyed charges that perceived benefits can't be effectively assessed without understanding there will always be associated costs and unintended consequences.

I'm sure young Janice thinks she's come up with something original that people of good will and moderation can all get behind, so I won't burst her bubble nor waste space addressing stale arguments that have been debunked many times over the years. Besides, by checking that out, the minimal research she should have done before affixing her brand name to this will do her some good.

Suffice it to say, "No."

Sorry, Janice, I will resist and defy all ill-conceived edicts that you would have the state impose under force of arms on men and women older and far wiser than you. And I am far from alone.

So now that that's settled, Janice, the ball is in your court: How many men like me are you willing to see destroyed in order to impose your will? How bad do you want it, Janice? And what makes you think we'll go quietly into that good night?

How much in unintended consequences and associated costs do you think a fair price will be?

When Geiger Counters are Outlawed...

"There are currently no guidelines regulating the private acquisition of biological, chemical, and radiological detectors," warned Falkenrath, adding that this law was suggested by officials within the Department of Homeland Security.
Because We the People are just so damned incompetent, and government professionals know best, don't ya know...

And if we can't be trusted with instruments, why would they trust us with tools? Or raw materials? That kill? And don't even mention guns... this is Bloomberg and Bender we're talkin' about here.

Well, gee, this was hard to find...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

Don Perata: "I'm Melting...I'm Me-elti-ing!!!"

Perata, saying there are just "too many damn guns" in the city, reminded everyone that he himself had been carjacked less than a month ago just blocks away from the music school where Rodriguez was shot...

Perata said his own gun, for which he owns a concealed weapons permit, will be the first one melted.
And where was his famous concealed pistol? He says he didn't have it on him.

So this proves those of us not so unprepared need to be defenseless?

Sounds to me like he was tested and found wanting. And this way, if it ever happens again and he can't defend himself or anyone else, why no one will be able to question his manhood. And he gets to do this little cover up in plain sight of his clucking admirers, as they all congratulate themselves on how moral and progressive they are.

Sorry, Don. Before, you were a contemptible hypocrite. Now, you're just contemptible.

Still, one might ask what the state of California, with it's highly publicized fiscal woes, is doing providing politicians with candy apple red muscle cars with chrome rims. As a critic of proposed budget cuts and as a "champion" against global warming, do you really need a tricked-out Dodge Charger, Don?

I take it back. You're still a contemptible hypocrite.

[Via Dave Licht]

We're the Only Ones Putting Our Finger on the Problem Enough

County Administrator Andrew Kalmar said the officer, Glenn Bigley, was injured when his semi-automatic pistol discharged. The bullet struck the officer’s ring finger, according to Kalmar.
Yet again, the "pistol discharged." All by its own self, no doubt.

But does this mean maybe someone in "authoritah" will realize there's really no justification for creating an "Only Ones" exemption for being armed? That maybe some of us mere sovereign citizens--you know, like those of us who have been around firearms for decades and never come close to negligently shooting ourselves or anyone else-- might actually be just as qualified, ethical and judgmentally sound to be entrusted with bearing arms as Frodo of the Nine Fingers here?

Not at all:
“He’s a firearms instructor so it can happen to anyone”...
Which means we're too dangerous but he's not.

[Via Jeffersonian]

When Plastic Cutlasses are Outlawed...

A Cornish village drama group has had to register a toy gun with the police to comply with health and safety rules.

Carnon Downs drama group in Cornwall have also had to keep their plastic cutlasses and wooden swords locked up for the pantomime, Robinson Crusoe...

The climax of the show is a fight in which actors use replica 4ft-foot long plastic cutlasses.

There is also a toy gun which produces a flag saying "Bang".

It's official. The UK has become a Monty Python skit.

[Via Jeffersonian]

When Libs Collide

I cannot believe that women all over this country are not up in arms over Oprah's backing of Obama. For the first time in history, we actually have a shot at putting a woman in the white house and Oprah backs the black MAN. She's choosing her race over her gender- hypocracy at it's finest!! Oprah- you should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!

And these people call Ron Paul racist! I love it when the pirhannas on the left turn on each other.

Speaking of which, I took my challenge over to the lion's den, and as expected, garnered little more than off-topic diversion and ad hominem bile.

This Day in History: January 20

We have in the Name of the said United States of North America & in Virtue of the Powers we are vested with, received the above Declaration and do accept the same by these Presents, and we do reciprocally declare, that the said States shall cause to cease all Hostilities against his Britannic Majesty, his Subjects and Possessions at the Terms or Periods agreed to between his said Majesty the King of Great Britain, his Majesty the King of France, and his Majesty the King of Spain, in the same manner as is stipulated between these , three Crowns, and to have the same Effect.

In faith whereof, We Ministers Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, have signed the present Declaration and have hereunto affixed the Seals of our Arms. At Versailles the twentieth of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty three.