Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tom McClintock for Congress

Tom McClintock, termed out of the California Senate, is running for Congress. California gun owners--and particularly the "gun lobby groups," failed him in the recall election, and "won" Arnold Schwarzenkennedy, along with the .50 ban, the lead ammo ban and microstamping.

Here's what McClintock sent out prior to his announcement:
The polling from the 4th Congressional district has been overwhelming. As you may know, a conservative advocacy group commissioned a poll at the beginning of this month and it reported that I would begin the campaign with a 33-point lead over the nearest rival. I subsequently commissioned a full benchmark poll by a different firm that reported a margin of 38 points.

...Despite this very sizeable lead, I must first defeat a liberal millionaire to represent this solidly conservative district. He has already vowed in the press that he will immediately unleash a $500,000 advertising blitz if I dare to challenge him.

You have stood with me through many challenges and I need your help to start this campaign on a strong note. Will you make an urgently needed contribution so that we will have the resources necessary to counter his promised media buy?
Federal law limits contributions to $2,300 per individual and corporate contributions are prohibited. You may contribute securely on our website or mail checks to:
McClintock for Congress
c/o Igor Birman
1029 K Street, Suite 44
Sacramento CA 95814
McClintock's rival has gone into immediate attack mode:

The announcement also threatened to create a division among Republicans between McClintock and former Congressman Doug Ose, in the June 3 primary race. Ose wasted no time throwing down the gauntlet, announcing Tuesday that he won the endorsement of former Gov. Pete Wilson.
Here's all you need to know about this Ose character: Even NRA gave him a "D+."

It's time to take the GOP back from the middle-of-the-road (read "devoid of unbending liberty principles") moderates.

So, California gun owners--and particularly the "gun lobby" groups who failed McClintock in the governor's race: Will you sit it out again, or will you personally involve yourself with time, effort and money?

And if anybody doesn't know why they should support this man, here's why. Or better yet, read his eloquent words in "Freedom and Firearms."

I had the opportunity of speaking with him one-on-one after he gave a speech in Orange County--for about 5 minutes in the room, then we walked outside together afterward and continued the conversation in the parking lot for another several minutes. He is the real deal, and his words are backed up by his record.

I'm cynical about political solutions, but this is one guy worth trying for. If we could help this man get to the national scene, I can't think of a better person to rally behind in future years for even higher office. He would be similar to Ron Paul, but without many of the vulnerabilities that campaign had imposed on it.

We're the Only Ones in the Back of the Bus Enough

A Sharpsburg police officer who resigned over the weekend in the midst of controversy involving a school-bus traffic stop had no probable cause to pull over the bus, his former chief said Monday....

"When the bus driver asked him what's going on, he just pointed to his gun and didn't say nothing," Dessie Lewis said.
See, that's why we can't let us carry guns, because if someone flipped us off in traffic, we'd probably force them to the side of the road and point to it to put a good scare in them.

Because you 'n me, we're not trained "Only Ones" who know better...


Mukasey's Paradox

Under Mukasey's Paradox, lawyers cannot commit crimes when they act under the orders of a president -- and a president cannot commit a crime when he acts under advice of lawyers. [More]
Boy, we're just full of paradoxes today, like the one where you can't exercise your rights without surrendering your rights.

How come these things never seem to work to the advantage of the governed? Perhaps another paradox...?

My head hurts. I think I'll go back in time and kill an ancestor to make it stop.

[Via RyanMG]


I just got this email:

Maybe you can give me some advice....back a few months ago I decided to buy a new shot gun from an out of state online source. The gun was purchased and was sent to an FFL dealer where I had specified for the transfer of the firearm. After going through the required paperwork , the dealer made a quick phone call to whomever he had to ...and he told me I was denied for the purchase. I have never been convicted of any felony. It sure made me feel like dirt though. Is there any advice you can give me to find out why this happened? I really feel that my constitutional rights have been violated, and it upsets me to this day. I am an avid hunter and sport shooter as well as a responsible law abiding citizen... Anything you could recommend would greatly be appreciated....
My reply:

I'm not a lawyer, so take everything I say with several grains of salt.

There have been mistakes in the system--I'm assuming it went through NICS--perhaps your name is similar to someone else's. I remember reading where Teddy Kennedy was accidentally put on the "No Fly" list.

And you don't need to be a felon to be a prohibited person. Misdemeanor domestic violence will kick you out, as will a dishonorable discharge, and some other reasons...If there's anything in your past or present--like a restraining order, commonly issued in divorce proceedings as a matter of course, even though you didn't do anything wrong, you don't even want to touch a gun--at least in front of witnesses.

I can ask around, and I will--I'll post this on WarOnGuns, keeping your name totally anonymous, of course. Perhaps we can get you in touch with a friendly dealer who can run a check for you and see if your name kicks out again. If it does, the only other thing I can suggest is to get a lawyer to help you get to the bottom of this.
Please feel free to educate us both in comments.

UPDATE: Here's the FBI's appeal denial procedure brochure.

Red's Before the Bench

"Have you ever made a mistake taking a note," he asked Rushing in an accusatory tone...

"Do you maintain that every dealer should not make a single mistake?" he asked. "Dealers make mistakes; Do they not? Have you ever made a mistake?

No...not BATFU....

Nice of them to spring this supposed "10-gun rule" in court as a surprise "Gotcha!" tactic, like a bunch of damn juveniles. You'd think that'd be in writing somewhere and emphasized to all dealers. But then, that would presuppose their purpose was to ensure compliance, as opposed to closing down gun dealers any way they can, even by holding secret standards against them. Let's hope the judge notices.

Read carefully, you'll note those 10 alleged transactions occurred eight years ago. And remember, just because a gun is identified as a "crime gun" doesn't mean it was actually used in an act of violence--or was obtained "lawfully" from the original dealer.

Ryan has more.

[More on Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]

A Day at the Polls

Well, I went out yesterday to do my civic duty.

And then I ran into this obscenity on the door of my polling place.

Hmmm...exercise my right to protect myself from political predators or from the more up close and honest kind.

Leave myself defenseless or don't vote.

Or don't leave myself defenseless, vote anyway, and commit a crime.

That's a hell of a choice to impose on a free man who isn't hurting anyone, don't you think?

What a dilemma that was.

Anyway, I only voted for president and against the transit tax hike. I emailed my congressman and told him a measly B- from GOA showed him unworthy of my support, so we'll see if he improves by November. The lesser offices required too much time to try and ascertain their liberty position, and I'd think anyone who deserves to lead would make that the first thing you'd find out when looking them up.

Maybe come November, I'll be in a better position to expand my choices.

I wonder if that sign will still be there?