Saturday, March 08, 2008

We're the Only Ones Securing the Homeland Enough

Bribery. Drug trafficking. Migrant smuggling.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is supposed to stop these types of crimes. Instead, so many of its officers have been charged with committing those crimes themselves that their boss in Washington recently issued an alert about the ''disturbing events'' and the ``increase in the number of employee arrests.''
I don't know what anybody expected. Oh, wait, I forgot--"Only Ones" are supposed to be better than this, because they're...uh...better and all.

"Homeland Security" always sounded like a term the Soviets would use anyway. I don't know why "civil defense" wasn't adequate, but I guess that's too uniquely American, and just doesn't sound like it fits with the international direction everything is going. Besides, it's not like you'd want local teams of volunteers working with the sheriff, the fire department, the hospitals--they'd just make a picnic out of training weekends, get to know each other, maybe figure out some things they could do to help, and it'd make folks a whole lot less dependent on (and obedient to) whatever FEMA teams we manage to get out there, supplemented by a few California Highway Patrolmen--just to make sure no old ladies drink contaminated water or shoot themselves.

I always thought it was ridiculous after 9/11 when the "Vote Freedom First President" basically told us as citizens to be on the alert (for what?) and just go about our business (meaning "spend") and they'd take care of everything--oh, and we'll just need to tweak a few liberties here and there, but that shouldn't worry you none unless you've got something to hide.

You don't, do you?

[Via Peter R]

Ideological Cleansing in the Golden State

I've heard many in the liberty movement advise taking kids out of government schools. Here's the problem--they won't let you--at least on the Left Coast. And most, under the back-breaking burden of taxes and regulations under which the average family strains to survive, simply cannot afford a private (albeit still regulated) school alternative.

Several of you have written to me about the ruling in California where the 2nd Appellate Court basically outlawed home schooling, putting over 160,000 families at risk of legal penalties if they don't bring their child in to worship at the altar of the state.

This, of course, is what happens when public employee unions abetted by fascist judges get the upper hand, and there is nothing more insidious than that alliance in the Golden State.

It would appear that even with an exodus of people from the productive sector abandoning California, they are prepared to sustain further losses (they can always raise taxes on their captive populace--or better yet--pass a bond measure that those who can't vote yet will end up obligated for)--they would rather have fewer of those people than allow their peculiar, dangerous, disrespectable way of living to continue (and give others any ideas).

We saw a similar imperious attitude when the loathsome Don Perata suggested a teenage sport shooter should leave the state and live elsewhere if she wished to continue her Olympic training.

See, those who have hijacked the term "liberal" place great stock in tolerance--as long as said tolerance consists of indoctrinating young skulls full of mush in Marxism and destruction of traditional values. Try practicing those and they quickly morph into the bigoted parochials they so abhor when they come from non-urban settings: "We don't like your kind around here."

We've heard the term "ethnic cleansing," and most of the world considers that a war crime. Here we have something evil that stabs at the very heart of human thought, spirit and liberty: Ideological cleansing.

Think like us or get out.

Stay and resistance is futile: You will be absorbed.

Oh, and those of you who do manage to get out--having to sell your home in an economic downturn, pull up roots, leave your job, friends, families to start over somewhere else, becoming essentially forced refugees in your own country: The dark cloud is spreading. It'll be coming your way again soon enough.

It'll be coming for all of us until we decide it's time to take back what is ours.

Another Hoop at Heathrow

Millions of British airline passengers face mandatory fingerprinting before being allowed to board flights when Heathrow’s Terminal 5 opens later this month.
Cool--I can't wait for that here. Because it will help make us feel safe and stop terrorists! Plus it will condition us to accept even more terms and conditions, demands and requirements, hoops and intrusions,to help keep us free.

I have no doubt that if some egghead working for a "public/private partnership" contractor demonstrated that individual colo-rectal patterns provided positive identification, there'd be no shortage of passengers lining up for their probes so they could get on a bus and go to work to pay their taxes.

[Via MacEntyre]


An armed student at Jerusalem’s Mercaz Haray seminary played a crucial role in stopping a gun-wielding terrorist Thursday, but the American press is downplaying his heroism because it proves that armed students can stop campus gunmen, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Who'da thunk "Authorized Journalists" would insert their agenda into their work? Or require people outside their controlled circle to purchase a press release in order to get a word in edgewise...?

Clay has more.

This Day in History: March 8

That some desperate wretches should be willing to steal and enslave men by violence and murder for gain, is rather lamentable than strange. But that many civilized, nay, Christianized people should approve, and be concerned in the savage practice, is surprising; and still persist, though it has been so often proved contrary to the light of nature, to every principle of Justice and Humanity, and even good policy, by a succession of eminent men, and several late publications.