Thursday, May 15, 2008

Down the Rabbit Hole: Part I

From David R. Olofson (via Len Savage):
Now a while back I promised to show everyone how deep this rabbit hole is and let them see the whole story. As such I am releasing a number of witness accounts. Most have nothing to lose or gain from speaking up other than the fact they make themselves a target of the feds. These will be released one at a time over the next few days. Draw your own conclusions about who has been telling the truth through this, who has been full of BS, and who is out of control. Now with no further ado here is the beginning of the rest of the story from those who lived it.

How You Can Become a “Gun Felon”

The opposition would have none of that. Savage was not permitted to personally examine the rifle — not even to touch it. He was required to observe as the ATF officer opened it for inspection. His professional credentials were challenged by the prosecution, who wanted his testimony excluded, even though Savage is a firearm designer by profession, and the government’s expert witness received all of his training in the 2-1/2 years he’d been with the bureau. Then the prosecution reneged on its pledge not to sequester witnesses, and had Savage removed from the courtroom so he could not hear the government’s testimony.
The timing of this could not be more fortuitous as far as current developments in the Olofson case go--particularly as I submitted the draft to my editor at the beginning of March.

My newest Guns Magazine Rights Watch column is now online

How can We RSVP if We Didn't Get an Invite?

From, toward the bottom of page 64:

That's funny.

One of the expert witnesses in the case says he's sent your liaison information and has been ignored.

And I see not being invited didn't stop y'all from inserting yourself in the Parker (now Heller) case. You not only just "stepped in on your own," hell, you tried to derail it. Just like your attorney tried to do with Silveira, a case you were invited, that is practically begged, to support.

Seeing how the outcome of this case affects every owner of a semiautomatic firearm in the country, one must ask what you have done to show the least bit of curiosity AND LEADERSHIP. Did anyone call Olofson's attorneys, ask 'em what's going on, see if there's anything you could do to help? Did they reject your advances?

God, this forked tongue misdirection out of Fairfax drives me nuts.

Wisdom from the East

CTone said...

The NRA should tell the secret service and McCain to piss off. A couple of months ago, the Sikhs turned down their chance to visit the Pope because the secret service wouldn't let them in with their Kirpaans - a little dagger. Best line: “We cannot undermine the rights and freedoms of religion in the name of security.”That's what I'm saying.

Yes, exactly right. Thanks for reminding us.

The Spittin' Image of a Deadly Weapon

An HIV-positive man convicted of spitting into the eye and mouth of a Dallas police officer has been sentenced to 35 years in prison.

A true assault weapon is anything used to assault someone with.

If someone was trying to spit on me or a loved one, I'd stop them.

If I found out he had a deadly communicable disease and had exposed us to it intentionally, I'd want him banished from civilized society.

If his victim(s) died, I'd want him to pay the ultimate penalty.

[Via AvgJoe]

Captured on Tape

Carjacking suspects who beat an El Segundo man with a crowbar and set his vehicle ablaze in Hawthorne didn't know they were captured on tape in a 7-Eleven store, police said Wednesday.

Captured on tape. As opposed to captured. Or stopped.

And, of course, multiple feral assailants with a crowbar trump a lone motorist in LA County who's not politically connected, meaning people like you and me...

Resistance is Futile

A masked gunman shot a Gardena T-shirt shop owner repeatedly even though she made no effort to resist the robbery, a videotape of the killing showed.
Never fight back. Just give them what they want.


Olofson on Olofson

David Olofson's reaction to his conviction being upheld and sentencing--begin on page 63, about halfway down the page, and look for posts by "Bladerunner2347"...

[Via ChareltonHest]

We're the Only Ones Good Humored Enough

The Secret Service is under fire for racist and sexist e-mails, including one aimed at Chicago's Rev. Jesse Jackson...

The Secret Service e-mail, CBS 2 obtained from a court filing in Washington, was titled "The Righteous Reverend," and jokes about the deaths of Jackson and his wife when a missile strikes their plane. The e-mail ends with, it "certainly wouldn't be a great loss and probably wouldn't be an accident either."

Interesting all around--first to note the Good O'Boy Roundup mentality is still alive and well among fed LEOs, to wonder if the Secret Service would be so tolerant of death jokes by a non-"Only One," and also to observe how the miserable hypocrite Jackson is not averse to armed defense as long as it's his precious hind end being protected--and the people he wants disarmed are picking up the tab.

Anybody going to the NRA Meeting want to substitute "John and Cindy" for "Jesse and Jaqueline," and try that "no great loss" joke out on the attending security detail--just to see if you can get them to crack a smile--as opposed to your skull?

A Sonny Day in Georgia

Gov. Sonny Perdue waited until deadline day to sign a controversial gun bill that lets people carry a concealed weapon into more public places, provided they have a state permit to carry the gun.

All week, the governor has signed some bills in public, and explained why.

But not this time. Perdue did not even issue a statement, and his press secretary said the governor is now out of town until Friday.
You don't have to hide from it, Sonny. You shouldn't have even needed to be prodded. Keeping and bearing arms is not some embarrassing or disreputable scandal or affliction you need to distance yourself from--it's the birthright of us all, and your proclamation should be proud, bold, even defiant. Let the embarrassment and sputtering explanations fall on those malevolent and paranoid creatures who do not trust themselves, and thus their countrymen, to make free choices like responsible adult citizens.

Aside from the "permit" part, ya done good.

[Via Jeffersonian]

A Scanner Darkly

Police are to use hundreds of airport-style and hand-held weapon detectors in the crackdown on knife crime.
Because the UK is part of "the Free World," y'see, as opposed to being a totalitarian police state.

Just like New York.

[Via Jeffersonian]

Excuse Me, Everybody--I Have a Gun...

The patrons at Champps, an upscale restaurant and bar chain, were eating ribs and drinking beer on a recent Saturday when customer Bruce Jackson stood up and made an announcement: He was armed, and so were dozens of other patrons.
See, this isn't something I would do. I just don't think it helps, it probably scared some, and I also don't think using someone else's property as a public forum for advancing your agenda is appropriate.

By the same token, we've seen what happens when gun owners try to mind their own business.

Still, I think the best path to normalization is just acting normal.

[Via Jeffersonian]

We're the Only Ones With Locker Room Humor Enough

Marijuana, knives, handguns, pornographic magazines and evidence from sexual assault cases were among dozens of items found in police Chief Joseph Solomon's locker after he was fired last week.
I guess the punch line to this joke is he's "The Only One" who doesn't think he did anything wrong.

[Via Brian F]


I suppose this is always the way it is with those who start the wars. They simply can't or won't see what the unintended consequences of their actions are going to be, even when others are completely unsurprised and even predict it publicly. Which brings me, as many of you familiar with my work have probably already guessed where I was heading, to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Mindful Musings brings us Mike Vanderboegh's observations following the most recent Olofson outrage.

Mike wrote me via separate email:
Olofson's sentencing has hit me pretty hard. They really don't understand that old saw about sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind, do they? God what ignorant arrogant asses. Where is the adult supervision here?

I think the adult supervision is pulling the strings.

I don't think it that far fetched to imagine a physical reaction is exactly what some in authority want--to provoke a weak link into snapping, and exploiting that to their advantage and against ours. And I don't think such calculating minds would think twice about sacrificing a few of their own pawns, and, in fact would require it as part of their strategy.

All decent men are outraged by what is developing around us by design. Let us be prudent in how we express that outrage, lest we play into the hands of creatures counting on a misstep.

Now go read Mike's great new article.

This Day in History: May 15

A Liberty Pole was raised eight miles west of Fort Johnson (near present day Fonda, NY). Tryon County Sheriff Alexander White led a posse to disperse the Rebel gathering. No shots were fired. Several accounts say no one was hurt, however, Stone wrote that he had narratives describing the beating of Jacob Sammons by the Loyalists.