Sunday, May 11, 2008



I'm interested in knowing when.

[Via ChareltonHest and Skullz]


Anonymous said...

Here's the original Thread as-it-was-reported:

Starting on page 15...


Anonymous said...

A thug is a thug is a thug. Continuance of this type of behavior on the part of cops inevitably must lead to exhaustion of patience by the law abiding. When that flashpoint is reached there will be a gunfight between the citizens and the thugs.

These officers were very fortunate that the people they illegally accosted were peaceful in the extreme. Had they not been, they would have responded the same way they would have if any other gang of armed thugs had assaulted and robbed patrons in the restuarant. That they did not, shows the victims of this abuse have more respect for the law than did the renegade cops. That respect for the law erroneously extends to thugs in uniform, but one day if their illegal actions continue, will not.

Which will be a very unfortunate event. Not just for the citizen but for the cops on the scene as almost every law abiding non-leo who carries can outshoot them.

As at Lexington and Concord, at that point, there will great incentive for the citizens in such a scenario to move militantly and with deadly intent against the governing organization of the oppressive force they have temporarily repelled because they will know beyong a shadow of a doubt that they will get no fair treatment under the law which will be administered by the people who sent the thugs.

I fervently hope that day never comes. I fear, however, it is inevitable. The only people in a position to change this dynamic and alter the certain and inevitable outcome are the people who are trespassing the citizen. They show no tendency to follow the law or to observe the rights of the citizen. In 1775 that process lead armed conflict that changed the world, for the better.

I would pray that we can effect change for the better without armed conflict, but that decision is entirely in the hands of the "authorities" who are doing the trespassing. Let us hope they are wiser than were our English forebears.

Anonymous said...

How about a National Open-Carry Dinner Out Night?
Those police who object can chase their tails all night, from one restaurant to another to another. Personally I'd rather they were where CRIMINALS are, but they're the experts...

Anonymous said...

And I agree with straightarrow. As much as we would hate for things to go that way, one day persistent unreasonableness is going to be met with the end of tolerance, and those nervous cops' phone calls are going to need to be to their families.