Thursday, October 23, 2008

Peaceable Armed Citizens?

It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it, a peaceable armed citizen? If they like peace so much, what are they doing armed? After all, aren't we told the only purpose of a gun is to kill people?
Today's Gun Rights Examiner piece is up.

I repeat: If you are a WarOnGuns regular, and wish to see a platform for getting the message conveyed on this site to a larger general audience, please help spread the word to your gun owner friends via emails, forums, etc.

I see my column continues to hold its own (it's been listed as "Most Popular" every day this week, but for the local, not national market.) I'd like to prove to the corporate media decision makers that the topic merits more attention, and everywhere. Thing is, there's not been a dedicated focus like this before, so it's new territory for them. There can be a demand for these ideas, but they'll never know it unless we prove it to them, assuming I'm not being overly presumptuous in asking.

We're the Only Ones Listing to the Left Enough

The Maryland State Police classified 53 nonviolent activists as terrorists and entered their names and personal information into state and federal databases that track terrorism suspects, the state police chief acknowledged yesterday.
I wonder what list you and I are on, fellow activist gun owners...but that's not the main thing that sticks out in this admission.

Check it out: the state admits it knows these activists to be nonviolent.

What better persons to have shrieking Paul Helmke demanding be disarmed?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

We're the Only Ones Ready to Rumble Enough

Now San Francisco has two 2008 Ford F-450s equipped with the Rumbler, which consists of a slave amplifier, a timer that's activated when the driver taps the horn, two speakers that operate like subwoofers and a mounting bracket.
That slave the "Only Ones" are amplifying would be you...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

We're the Only Ones Shack Attack Enough

The case of State v. Linda May Johnson was formally placed on the court's inactive docket, meaning the woman arrested, shackled and hauled off to the county jail for allegedly letting her miniature poodles, Ollie and Hershey, saunter onto a neighbor's lawn during their daily walks will not be prosecuted.

So we're talking junk poodles? Pocket walk-its?

I certainly sleep better at night knowing the "Only Ones" are out there protecting you and me from desperate scofflaws and vicious animals.

[Via JGullock]

Mindful Musings

Chris Horton has been posting some outstanding stuff lately, including original commentary by Mike Vanderboegh.

My suggestion: Click on the title link and spend some time scrolling and reading.

Meanwhile, Over at the Party of Gun Control...

The home of a Central Florida Republican headquarters manager was shot up and damaged over his support of Sen. John McCain, the man told police.
Ah, more Lightworker acolytes spreading the hope/change gospel. Kind'a makes sense why they'd want us disarmed, doesn't it?

[Via Mark G]

About That Conference Call

I announced this the other day.

Nicki Fellenzer sums up her impressions and includes a recording of the entire thing.

She's right in that Gov. Blunt, who has been fairly good on guns, really didn't...uh...bluntly answer a few of the questions--mine, for instance, where I asked what incentive Republicans would have to ever change if they can go against our interests yet gun owners vote for them anyway. And I agree it will be unfair to point the finger at gun owners if the Republicans fail--if you extend that to its logical conclusion, it would also be our fault for not working for the McCain campaign, or donating money.

Bryan Pick, who makes his case in comments, points out the political realities we're facing. I understand where he's coming from and am grateful that he put this together and gave me an opportunity to participate. Also, it was nice of Chris at The Liberty Papers to record the conference call and make it available to us.

That said, my position on the election remains: I recommend voting your informed conscience, meaning taking into consideration what's at stake and realizing whatever choice you make will have an impact.

Student Versprechen Gun gegen Gewalt

Noting the limitations of Google Translator, I've attempted to render the Brady Campaign child brainwashing pledge into its original tongue.
- Ich werde nie um eine Pistole in die Schule.
- Ich werde nie eine Waffe, um ein persönliches Problem oder Streit.
- Ich werde meinen Einfluss mit meinen Freunden zu halten von der Nutzung Waffen zu Beilegung von Streitigkeiten.
- Mein einzelner Entscheidungen und Maßnahmen, wenn multipliziert mit denen der junge Menschen im ganzen Land, wird einen Unterschied machen. Zusammen, von Beachtung dieser Verpflichtung können wir umkehren und die Gewalt aufwachsen in Sicherheit.
Those who know how are invited to correct any mis-translation in "Comments."

Gun Trust Lawyer: An Ergonomic Solution

As people age, they often develop medical issues that would prevent them from being able to use a normal firearm to protect themselves, their family, of their possessions. The Palm Pistol seems to have solved many of those problems by creating a single shot pistol with a combination lock and a thumb trigger.
David M. Goldman (his NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog is a recent addition to the WoGRoll) addresses some of the concerns I've heard expressed about the innovative firearm that we discussed here.

The Trouble with Freedom

Slate editor-in-chief Jacob Weisberg thunders that recent headlines are evidence of "global economic meltdown made possible by libertarian ideas." According to Weisberg, author of a pro-Leviathan snoozer called In Defense of Government, "any competent forensic work has to put the libertarian theory of self-regulating financial markets at the scene of the crime."
You got that? Our problem is we have too much economic freedom, and government doesn't have enough power and control.

Only national socialism can save us!

This Day in History: October 23

The Congressional Committee meeting with Washington agrees to accept the Penobscot, Stockbridge, and St. John's Indian tribes offers of assistance, allowing them to be employed in the Army if necessary. The committee decides, however, to exclude African Americans.
One could make the argument that pragmatism was needed to accomplish the end goal due to the attitudes and interests of the time. It still sucked.