Thursday, January 01, 2009

"Drop-Off" the new "buy back." [More]
Griffin and other church leaders will be collecting guns on Saturday at the Gateway Mall. The new Gun Drop-off program replaces the Gun Buyback.

The buyback program stopped because there was no more funding.
And we know how well that does...

It's like watching one of those cheap battery-driven walking toy animals that get stuck in a corner--they keep going through the motions but they get nowhere, and all they do is make distracting noises until they run down completely.

They'll do anything but consider the truth...


  1. This is in my AO, and if it wasn't my last opportunity to slay Bambi for the season I'd make an appearance there under a sign that says:

    "MY funding's still intact. Let's see what you've got!"

  2. Isn't the definition of insanity something along the lines of trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result?

  3. Maybe they ought to try to talk people into paying them to take those bad, nasty guns off their hands.

  4. It is time for some enterprising individual to advertize that they buy guns, paying cash, similar to those TV commercials telling people to send in their unwanted jewelry. Even scrap steel has a value.

  5. Can I get a RTKBAs pastor to hold a gun drop-off at his church... and keep any good ones?

  6. I've linked to your post from BlogWatch: Culture War • Fault Lines • Apologetics Not the normal Guns and Bibles united we stand location because this seems to be more of a church wedge issue.

    I've also titled it: Second Amendment: "Drop-Off" needless to say my pastor will not be dropping off his gun. God Bless your efforts in defending the rights we were given by God.


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