Monday, January 05, 2009

The Lightworker Prescription for a Troubled Economy

600,000 new government jobs...[More]

Why am I'm reminded of "the fighting Uruk-hai"?
We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man's-flesh to eat.
[Via Ron W]


  1. The number one enemy to our freedom is the government parasite. They do not see us as equal to them, with them being next to the power source. They also see what we have as their property to take and or control.
    Once a person becomes hopelessly trapped into living off of the tit of government they no longer become free men in their hearts. At that point they are nothing more then spineless cowards who are afraid to stand on their own two feet and be free men to face the challenges of being and staying free.
    Living on the tit totally destroys the mind set of thinking as a free man.

  2. Looks like he's already becoming the Blightworker!

  3. I have linked to your post from Trillion dollar job creation would make a lot of people rich but will it create jobs which was also top posted.

    The question I would like to ask is do you trust those who created Arkansas Development Finance Authority and the similar Development in Chicago; which never worked. With a trillion dollars? Lets forget about the fact the Hillary wrote off more money than she will get in payment for her services to the government. And look only about the history we know about.

  4. i'm not paying for that.

  5. Obama is the one who will pay for it - in Spades, heh...yeah, pun intended. Who cares?


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