Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now Hear This...

I'll be on the The Steve Gill Show tomorrow morning at 10:30 CST to discuss my reporting on H.R. 45. They must have seen today's WorldNetDaily piece.

Producer Dusty Jensen tells me:
We've got you scheduled for tomorrow, with Ann Coulter as your opening act. It's 11:30 Eastern, 10:30 Central. The segment will start around :33, so if you can call at :30 that'd be perfect!
If you go to his website, there's a "Listen Live" button in the left margin for those of us who need that option.

It should be fun.


  1. So you know, Ann enjoys shooting and is behind us all the way.

  2. You're following Ann Coulter? I'd follow her anywhere!

  3. That is way cool David, I'll have to take an early lunch to listen in.

  4. She's opening for you--you're moving up in the world, David. Congrats.

  5. Knock 'em dead David.


  6. I'm all for a Blair Holt law, if we can agree on reasonable restrictions.

    That's right, I mean it.

    If we are to honor this brave youth who died protecting another it would dictate that we pass a Blair Holt law that any responsible person of legal age to be eligible to drive a car not be helpless when faced with unprovoked attack. Rather than demanding conditions under which the death of such men is unavoidable we would declare that all the Blair Holts be armed at their discretion so that sacrifice of their lives would not be the only option, but that the ending of the threat and/or life of the assailant at the least be within the realm of possible means of defense of innocents.

    So, why don't all of us write our Washington,D.C. elected officials and ask that such amendments be made to the Blair Holt bill as to make this a mandatory condition in every state and every city in this country?

    Or we could demand that Bobby Rush be charged with conspiracy to commit treason and violation of his oath of office, or both.

  7. In the above, those reasonable restrictions of which I spoke would restrict any state or locality from exercising any authority to deny access to the means of defense, just like it says in the second amendment to the constitution.

  8. Now, isn't that reasonable?

  9. I did a search on Bobby Rush and turned up the following:

    founded Chicago chapter, Black Panther Party, 1967

    The former gun-toting radical emerged as a leading spokesman for gun control after the murder of his son in 1999

    Rush's 29-year-old son, Huey, was murdered by alleged robbers in front of his South Side home in October of 1999. Rush was devastated by his son's death. "I always thought it was going to be me who wouldn't get to 30," he told People. He stepped up his legislative efforts in favor of handgun control, telling the People that "I'm committed to making sure that his life was not given in vain."

    My comments:
    A "gun-toting radical" who after suffering a personal loss (sound familiar?) decided that guns are evil machinations and should be wiped from the earth. Can anyone pronounce hypocrite? When he and his black panther homies were blowing up recruitment centers and generally shooting up Chicago while "making political statements" he wasn't concerned about "gun control" - unless , of course, the panther's victims happened to shoot back.

    The "robbers" who killed his son weren't white so it had to be the guns' fault.

    This man is an idiot and a criminal to boot.

  10. W-3, I wish you'd post that over at Examiner.

  11. I think it's awesome that you're getting some air time with this to make sure the conservatives know what is going on, but what good will it really do if you are just preaching to the masses so to speak. Conservatives get these issues, what we need to be able to do is bring our message to the left so we can help educate those who are educatable on these topics and maybe get enough support from them to help defeat things like this once and for all. Considering how this country appears to be moving decidedly left, we are going to need to convince as many on the left as possible that we aren't a bunch of gun "NUTS" and get them to see the common sense of the issues. Anyhow, those are just the ramblings of a humble patriot. MOLON LABE!

  12. I am going to try and listen to your broadcast this time, I am a little absent minded now days. Now just where did I put my coffee


  13. This one I should be able to listen to! It's supposedly carried by a station in my local area - Sundance, Wyoming. Yipeee!

  14. Nice job, David! Thanks for the heads up on the broadcast.


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