Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President for Life Obama

Say...this has the potential to turn into a real dictatorship. [More]


  1. the sad thing is, i know some people who would play devil's advocate even after seeing this.

    "i dunno, why are term limits so good, anyways? i'm looking forward to just, you know, the change."

  2. This is Rep. Serrano's mission in life, he wants to repeal the 22nd Amendment.

    In the 111th it is H.J. Res. 5.

    In the 110th session it was H.J. Res. 8:

    In the 109th session is was H.J. Res 9:

  3. He'll likely get it with this President and Congress, along with the repeal of the 2A.

    The Republic is dead. Long live the Empire!


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