Sunday, January 04, 2009

What Samuel Sutter Thinks

Does carrying a gun illegally make you a danger to the public?

Bristol District Attorney Samuel Sutter thinks it does... [More]
Thing is, Samuel Sutter wasn't there--with "a person" I know very well--who lived in LA, where "ordinary" citizens can't get "permits"--but who defied the law and saved his family from multiple assailants--simply by producing his "illegally"-carried handgun and causing them to retreat without his having to fire a shot.

He was no danger to the public. The people he scared off were.

My same "friend" had earlier taken to carrying a gun--"illegally," and knowing and resenting like hell being forced to make a choice that involved risk of punishment and being treated like a criminal from those whose only legitimate function is "to secure the blessings of Liberty." He did so on advice from two police officers who were responding to a death threat against him--officers who let him know they couldn't protect him, they couldn't respond to an attack until after-the fact.

But Samuel Sutter works in an environment where he has regular police protection. Samuel Sutter has the status and connections that turn "may issue" into "shall issue."

And don't get me started on "illegal" possession of "high-capacity guns."

If it were up to Samuel Sutter, my "friend" and people like him would be dead.

Samuel Sutter is, in essence, a state-sponsored terrorist. Samuel Sutter can go to hell.

And the thing is, if the punishment is increased, so too will be the desperation of an otherwise peaceable citizen to escape the "legal" consequences. What kind of "justice" system pushes good people to the breaking point for simply defending their lives?


  1. thats just ridiculous David. Check out who is trying to get locked up, illegal gun owners who are terrorizing communities, not people who just let their license lapse. you go too far.

  2. No Mr Anonymous, having people who carry for self defense grouped with dangerous criminals is ridiculous.

  3. Prove me wrong, anon.

    Go let Sutter know you're carrying for protection without a permit and come back and tell me how ridiculous it is.

    You don't go far enough.

  4. It looks like they aren't going to publish my comment.
    I'll post it here and try again.
    Does everyone understand that self defense is a basic Human Right?
    Does everyone understand that self defense is constitutionally protected by the Bill Of Rights?
    Does everyone understand that the Government owes people know right to protection?
    Read Warren v. District of Columbia.
    The Governments only real duties are to secure the rights of the individual; it is not in existence to make the collective FEEL safe.

  5. If menory serves me right, many years ago a man was found innocent of escaping from prison. His claim was that he had been targeted for death and the system was unable to protect him, and the jury agreed. I wonder if this claim would have any applications on this case?

  6. Judges usually disallow any positve defense.

  7. People like Sutter should be locked up, for spreading dangerous and treasonous propaganda that defies the US Constitution.

  8. Right on Qi!

  9. I've seen bumper stickers that read something like, "Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun"

    I wonder how many people have died and/or will die because of Samuel Sutter's mouth?

  10. I wonder how many people he has saved? If one poor bastard with a gun gets in trouble when he doesn't desrve it then too bad. Guns are bad, guns kill, guns should be illegal like in most other countries. People like you can always go South of the Border.

  11. Sutter's mouth has probably been responsible for fewer illegal guns coming to Bristol County, as he has been very loud, and it scares the gangsta types, who are fundamentally cowards.

    The defendant in this case was probably screwed, but he was illegally carrying a loaded 9mm with the serial number defaced, and not for the first time. He had a long criminal record and would not have been eligible for a LTC in any jurisdiction in North America.

    But hard cases make bad law.

  12. You want to see what can happen with Sam Sutter check out his x-client:


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