Thursday, February 26, 2009

And So it Begins...

Eric Holder, under the smokescreen of a presser about the bust of the Sinaloan drug cartel and seizure of property, announced that the Obama Administration intends to re-institute the Clinton Gun Bans. [More]
Newbius shares his thoughts.


  1. Mr. Holder,

    How about securing our borders and leaving me and my guns the hell alone....Oh and thanks, I just won a bet with a liberal that you couldn't go 90 days without calling for a gun ban.

    Why don't you go back to your sworn duty to uphold the Constitution and enforcing this nations laws....quit trying to make your own.

  2. We all knew it would be coming, it was just when. Now that Americans have seen the effects of gun bans on lawful citizens throughout the world, hopefully they will not acquiesce so easily this time. Remember it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

  3. The mask is now slowly coming off the monster. The Communists won the election. They are showing their hand gleefully now.

    Say your prayers. Keep your basic load at hand. Do PT every day. Stay alert.


  4. One round at a time.

  5. "How about securing our borders and leaving me and my guns the hell alone...."

    Well, this morning the Mexican AG was on the radio as telling Texas Gov. Perry that his request for more tropps to help secure the border was a step in the wrong direction!! So now the Mexican .GOV is telling us how to run our country? WTF

  6. Follow up, here,

    is the mexican AG's news article.

  7. Now the lying worthless bastards at nra can scream for more money to "protect your rights". Could that have been the plan all along, create the bogeyman?

  8. The only problem is that the Holder "bogeyman" is real. This is likely to get really ugly when it all comes together.

  9. Wayne La Pierre of the NRA says "Democrats are cringeing" after Holder's speech. Oh, please. As if there were going to be a chance to VOTE them out, and that voter fraud and ignorance and apathy wouldn't re-install Obama and Co. They have declared a literal war on not only their political opponents -- and I don't mean the Republican Party but all freedom advocates -- but also many of their FRIENDS who happen to be gun owners. Now we will see what America is really made of in the 21st Century.

  10. Since when is crime anywhere else in the world sufficient reason to infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans? Why should the law-abiding American suffer because a single corrupt FFL dealer is funneling guns south? That PARTICULAR gun dealer should get the book thrown at him for breaking the law.

    Oh, and HOW THE HECK do I get myself a "machine gun and grenades" from my local gun store?

    Seriously, does the increase in Great Britain in assaults using knives and clubs mean that Holder is coming after my pocket "folder" and my Louisville Slugger?

    Inquiring minds want to know!



  11. Well, there IS a bright side to them trying this shit.

    They're NOT going to close the border. There is just as much money to be made in arms smuggling.

    They've decided that honest folks can't have automatic weapons, so us stupid criminals might as well get to work and get what we need from the last free market left on earth.

    just sayin'

  12. Pelosi added her $.02 to the mix and said there was no AWB on the horizon.

    "Attorney General Eric Holder raised the prospect Wednesday that the administration would push to bring back the ban. But Pelosi (D-Calif.) indicated on Thursday that he never talked to her. The Speaker gave a flat “no” when asked if she had talked to administration officials about the ban.

    “On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. "

  13. We all know what her word's worth on anything, tho. I hold no faith in her or any other politician.

  14. Lets see, she's told the truth WHEN?

  15. Nutty Nancy is just waiting for some BLOOD to be spilled..then she will be more than happy to do the tango with AG Holder. She needs a tragedy to EXPLOIT before she'll risk any political capital on a gun ban...she needs some news footage of lots of bodies and THEN you'll see how quickly the ban (as an amendment to "must pass" legislation) comes to the floor for an UNRECORDED VOICE VOTE - that way they get their ban and nobody has to admit to voting for it. They are slimy and evil, but the DO know what they are doing.

  16. Now the lying worthless bastards at nra can scream for more money to "protect your rights".

    Shhhhh ... you'll give them ideas.

    ... oh wait, they already figured out this path guarantees a "need" for the NRA.


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