Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gillibrand Apologists Cling to Hope

The apologists are tripping all over themselves to convince either us (or themselves?) that Kirsten Gillibrand's "evolution" on guns is all part of some pragmatic master political plan.

The newest hope they're clinging to:

She keeps two rifles under her bed.

"If I want to protect my family, if I want to have a weapon in the home, that should be my right."
Well, then, no need for concern. We can all go back to sleep now. I mean, if she owns guns, she must be one of us. Right Lon Horiuchi and Ray Schoenke?

But wait--there's a new development:

A spokesman says the rifles are not loaded...
So you're going to protect your family by using them as clubs...?

Ah... situation resolved:
Gillibrand removes guns from under bed
If she won't defend her own right to keep and bear arms, what type of wishful thinking makes anybody think she'll defend theirs?

Especially after this

and this

and this (second feature at link)

and this...?

As usual, I probably just don't know what I'm talking about, right, Jacob?

UPDATE: Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. You might even convince yourself her Tiahrt reversal is smart politics.

That makes one a "realist"? Cool, we can all relax now. Besides, Jacob has met her in person.

I like that "perfect is the enemy of the good" platitude almost as much as "Politics is the art of the possible," as if people who discourage envelope pushing know where the boundaries of possibility lie.

Oh, and Dave's not here.


  1. The facts never change. She's a politician. How do you know a politician is lying? Their mouths are moving.

    I can't figure out why anyone would have any faith in a politician to start with. But I guess that's just me.

  2. d'oh. sorry about the dave thing. not intentional.

    and keep telling myself what? That gillibrand is better than hillary? Ok, I will


  3. Nice Uncle. Would you also say that Lenin was better than Stalin? That a heart attack is better than pancreatic cancer? That hitting a brick wall at 100mph in a full size pick up truck is better than hitting it on a motorcycle? That falling off of a 10 story building is better than falling off a 20 story building? Please, stop the insanity.

  4. But I already stipulated that, in my first piece on her. The one I've linked to at least half a dozen times now in various posts.

    So what, am I just belly-aching again? Nothing is good enough? Maybe I'd have preferred Caroline Kennedy?

    Hey, I'm just pointing out that what the enemies of gun rights would have the world believe is "pro-gun" is hardly a benchmark definition we should settle for. Why would you let someone who hates guns define a line over which anyone who crosses can be labeled an "extremist"?

    I'm arguing for truth in advertising. If she had been presented as, say, a moderate on guns, with the acknowledgment that the political reality in New York makes her about the best gunowners are going to get, that would be tough to rebut.

    I'm also cautioning against placing too much faith in any "pro-gun" democrat, once party politics come into play--with the attendant carrots for support and sticks for straying from the path.

  5. David, Then i guess if we tend to agree on that, why the disconnect? Or are we just arguing details? After all, I've never said she was the mostest pro-gunniest on earth. I'm confused.

    Bill, those are some fine looking straw men. Build them yourself?


  6. My Examiner articles weren't clear? It's tough to know what I need to repeat in re what my stated concerns are. Perhaps we could expedite things if you told me what it is I've written that you think is untrue.

  7. I read the link and comments, and frankly was shocked at the immaturity displayed in the philosophies of the commenters.

    She may well be the best that New York is going to get, but one can change "may" to absolutely "no better ever" if all anyone has to do to gain support from the serfs is to claim political expediency.

    I haven't completely written her off, but my suspicions tell me she will "evolve" into exactly what Shumer and the Democrat party want her to be. However, I am willing to wait until we see some votes from her on issues of liberty before deciding completely. In view of her professed evolution so far, I am not willing to jump on her bandwagon. Not until I see where it is going. So far, she has told us the direction it is taking and it is not in the interests of free men or her previous sole constituency.

    Now, let's look at who are calling her a liar. Her supporters! Uh huh, the people supporting her can only do so by claiming she is lying about her new stance. And that comforts them why????

  8. If Schumer enthusiastically supported her, I wouldn't say she's on our side at all. Trojan horse. In the viral sense.

  9. I followed those links. If she's a friend, I prefer to be friendless. I feel compelled to write Sen. Billofneeds to apologize for heretofore defending my right, as a resident of one of those lax Southern states, to buy a gun with "only" the Form 4473 intrusion, the Brady criminal record check guilty-until-found-innocent intrusion and the gun shop/show videotaping intrusion. I traded a gun once -- no, twice, both times to FFL licensed dealers. God only knows where they ended up. I may be part of New York's problem and not even know it. Me, without even a parking ticket. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. As long as I can own a .22 Short 5-shot revolver that sometimes even revolves, without fear of paramilitary police blowing the front of my house off and trucking away everything inside, the republic is in danger. Seppuku is left to right, then diagonally to upper left, then right, right? If you get that far. Maybe I'll just handle some of my reloading components and die insane of lead poisoning. Or I could balance my tires. Lead wheel weights, you know.
    She was within arm's length of Schumer and didn't go Taiwanese on him. She could at least have thrown a shoe at him. But she's a member of a very exclusive club now. She may THANK all the little people, but now her debt is somewhere else.

  10. When she represented PEOPLE she was in favor of the right (however infringed she felt comfortable with making it)

    Now she represents THE STATE. The same state that HATES the people's rights.

    Is this really that big a shock? The very values the people support are driven from politics like a leper. The politicians in their mad dash to the cliff seek to shackle us and pull us over when they go. They want something soft to break their fall.


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