Monday, February 02, 2009

Holder Confirmed

From the Senate Legislation & Records web page [More]

All Democrats voted for confirmation. So much for A grades and endorsements. Any bets on what they'll do when the party holds their feet to the fire on other anti-gun votes?

You can find GOA Senate ratings here. We should see an attendant reduction in grade for each "Yea" vote. NRA's grades are more difficult to acccess--you need to enter your membership number on the PVF site, find the election year for the senator in question and search by individual state.

See how your senators voted and react accordingly.


U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 111th Congress - 1st Session

as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Summary
Question: On the Nomination (Confirmation Eric H. Holder, Jr., of the District of Columbia, to be Attorney General )
Vote Number: 32 Vote Date: February 2, 2009, 06:15 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Nomination Confirmed
Nomination Number: PN64-7
Nomination Description: Eric H. Holder, Jr., of the District of Columbia, to be Attorney General
Vote Counts:YEAs75


Not Voting3
Vote SummaryBy Senator NameBy Vote PositionBy Home State

Grouped by Home State
Alabama:Sessions (R-AL), Yea - Shelby (R-AL), Nay
Alaska:Begich (D-AK), Not Voting Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Arizona:Kyl (R-AZ), Yea McCain (R-AZ), Yea
Arkansas:Lincoln (D-AR), Yea Pryor (D-AR), Yea
California:Boxer (D-CA), Yea Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Colorado:Bennet (D-CO), YeaUdall (D-CO), Yea
Connecticut:Dodd (D-CT), YeaLieberman (ID-CT), Yea
Delaware:Carper (D-DE), YeaKaufman (D-DE), Yea
Florida:Martinez (R-FL), Not VotingNelson (D-FL), Yea
Georgia:Chambliss (R-GA), YeaIsakson (R-GA), Yea
Hawaii:Akaka (D-HI), YeaInouye (D-HI), Yea
Idaho:Crapo (R-ID), NayRisch (R-ID), Nay
Illinois:Burris (D-IL), YeaDurbin (D-IL), Yea
Indiana:Bayh (D-IN), YeaLugar (R-IN), Yea
Iowa:Grassley (R-IA), YeaHarkin (D-IA), Yea
Kansas:Brownback (R-KS), NayRoberts (R-KS), Nay
Kentucky:Bunning (R-KY), NayMcConnell (R-KY), Nay
Louisiana:Landrieu (D-LA), YeaVitter (R-LA), Nay
Maine:Collins (R-ME), YeaSnowe (R-ME), Yea
Maryland:Cardin (D-MD), YeaMikulski (D-MD), Yea
Massachusetts:Kennedy (D-MA), Not VotingKerry (D-MA), Yea
Michigan:Levin (D-MI), YeaStabenow (D-MI), Yea
Minnesota:Klobuchar (D-MN), Yea
Mississippi:Cochran (R-MS), NayWicker (R-MS), Nay
Missouri:Bond (R-MO), YeaMcCaskill (D-MO), Yea
Montana:Baucus (D-MT), YeaTester (D-MT), Yea
Nebraska:Johanns (R-NE), NayNelson (D-NE), Yea
Nevada:Ensign (R-NV), NayReid (D-NV), Yea
New Hampshire:Gregg (R-NH), YeaShaheen (D-NH), Yea
New Jersey:Lautenberg (D-NJ), YeaMenendez (D-NJ), Yea
New Mexico:Bingaman (D-NM), YeaUdall (D-NM), Yea
New York:Gillibrand (D-NY), YeaSchumer (D-NY), Yea
North Carolina:Burr (R-NC), NayHagan (D-NC), Yea
North Dakota:Conrad (D-ND), YeaDorgan (D-ND), Yea
Ohio:Brown (D-OH), YeaVoinovich (R-OH), Yea
Oklahoma:Coburn (R-OK), NayInhofe (R-OK), Nay
Oregon:Merkley (D-OR), YeaWyden (D-OR), Yea
Pennsylvania:Casey (D-PA), YeaSpecter (R-PA), Yea
Rhode Island:Reed (D-RI), YeaWhitehouse (D-RI), Yea
South Carolina:DeMint (R-SC), NayGraham (R-SC), Yea
South Dakota:Johnson (D-SD), YeaThune (R-SD), Nay
Tennessee:Alexander (R-TN), YeaCorker (R-TN), Yea
Texas:Cornyn (R-TX), NayHutchison (R-TX), Nay
Utah:Bennett (R-UT), YeaHatch (R-UT), Yea
Vermont:Leahy (D-VT), YeaSanders (I-VT), Yea
Virginia:Warner (D-VA), YeaWebb (D-VA), Yea
Washington:Cantwell (D-WA), YeaMurray (D-WA), Yea
West Virginia:Byrd (D-WV), YeaRockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Wisconsin:Feingold (D-WI), YeaKohl (D-WI), Yea
Wyoming:Barrasso (R-WY), NayEnzi (R-WY), Nay


  1. Yeah, 2010 is a looooooong way off.

    Good news is Voinovich is quitting, having milked us in Ohio dry, we had better find someone with a set to take his seat.

  2. I'm sorry , David, but the only way I have left to react to my two traitors can't be printed here. Suffice it to say that all legal channels fail in the PDRK. And I did try.

  3. I'm composing a letter to my Texas Senators thanking them for voting "nay" on the Holder nomination.

    Looks like it may be time to consider secession again.

  4. Fascinating, that Va. Sen. Jim "Support our troops" "Here, carry this through the metal detectors for me" Webb votes to confirm a man who wants those troops disarmed when they come home.
    And yes, I did contact both of mine, and no, they don't care. Mark warner is independently weaselly -- I mean wealthy, and Webb is too. Webb campaigned in his son's GI-issue desert combat boots. Being a democrat, I wonder what he thought about all those military absentee votes for Bush being uncounted in the 2004 election...
    Probably "Yea."

  5. The two senators who represent my State voted traitorously also...cowardly, spineless, backstabbing, bovine, sycophantic sons of bitches.

    I believe I have made my FEELINGS clear. None but the Almighty truly knows my THOUGHTS.


  6. I contacted both Kyl and McCain before the confirmation. Received nothing in response, but it's not unusual for them to take more than a month to respond.

    Here's what I sent this evening to each of them:

    The best thing about this role call vote is that I know have a perfect measuring stick for determining which Senators are interested in preserving our civil liberties and those that are not. I leave it up to you to figure who I will be supporting during future elections.

    No more incumbents. Ever.

  7. I'm glad to see both of my guys voted nay. But then again, guys like Coburn and Inhofe were never really a worry.

  8. McCain(R-AZ),Yea.

    The NRA candidate. The Waco II candidate.

    75-21. Wouldn't
    t that be "overkill," which is bad according to RNC chairman Michael Steele?
    Well, incrementalism has worked in their favor since the Gun Control Act of 1934. That's done.

  9. Mr. Woodward, our Texas senators did vote no and will now claim to have supported our 2A right. Hogwash, they're getting a free pass when a simple 'hold' from either one would have tied Holder up for some undetermined period and may have sent him packing. Each knew the vote going in, neither had the brass to do the right thing. Expect their support only when it costs them nothing.

    Rgds from Humble, Texas

  10. Neither Cornyn nor Hutchison responded to my multiple rqsts to tag the Holder nomination...anon in Texas

  11. Both the senators in Idaho voted correctly. I notice our state next door WY did the same. But UT has the dumbest morons who vote in RINO's time and time again because they are told to. UT the red state gave to yes votes.
    Here's a new grading system: All senators that voted yes now get an "X" next to their names for their voting on Constitutional right of the people. This new grading system is they pass or they don't. The ones who voted against this gun grabber get a star next to their name. If it ends up that all of the senators end up with X's next to their name, we vote them all out.

  12. I guess it takes less guts to say "nay" than to actually block a hostile coup by socialist vermin.


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