Sunday, February 01, 2009

RNC Sends Clear Message to Gun Owners



  1. Waiting for the cavalry to ride over the hill to save us?
    They're sitting this one out, having sold their horses to the Apaches.

    So THAT's why a relative unknown is now the head of the snake.
    You know about snakes. Some harmless snakes mimic venomous vipers for protection. I don't know of any poisonous snakes that mimic harmless ones. Only the two-legged kind.

  2. The GOP has been selling out and flat out violating the Bill of Rights for years, and growing the police state that Obama and his followers will now use against you.

    Why should it surprise any of you that the GOP doesn't give a damn about your military style semi-autos or full capacity magazines?

    Please wake the hell up.

    You ALL should have supported Ron Paul - he was your best chance to both revive the GOP into anything resembling a constitutionalist party, and he was your last chance at any peaceful return to liberty.

    But no - most gun owners, and even most "hard-core" gun owners did not support him.

    And now what will you do? Now what is your recourse?

  3. Hey Anon, wake the hell up yourself and learn what site you're on before making blanket accusations.

    Yeah, I'm surprised by this.

    Yeah, I didn't support Ron Paul.

    Good Lord.

    If you don't know our recourse, that's further proof you know nothing about this site and its history, and really ought to survey the terrain before leaving such clod-hopping footprints.

  4. David Codrea said...
    Hey Anon, wake the hell up yourself and learn what site you're on before making blanket accusations.

    Yeah, I'm surprised by this.

    Yeah, I didn't support Ron Paul.

    Good Lord.

    If you don't know our recourse, that's further proof you know nothing about this site and its history, and really ought to survey the terrain before leaving such clod-hopping footprints.

    2/01/2009 6:44 PM

    Respectfully Mr. Codrea I believe your reaction and response was misplaced in this instance.

    Thank you for all your work on freedom's behalf.

    J.B. Books

  5. Anon said: "And now what will you do? Now what is your recourse?"

    Codrea said: "If you don't know our recourse, that's further proof you know nothing about this site and its history ..."

    It was a rhetorical question - like your questions of "where were the gun owners when ...".

    I am fully aware of your recourse, I have been reading your blog for years, and I am a fellow "three percenter."

    But I still stand by what I said, especially in light of what recourse WE are left with.

    I too thank you for all you do - you have shown tremendous courage, especially in exposing police for what they really are - an occupying army.

    But that does not change the hard truth that there was a very brief window of opportunity for a real political solution, and that window was, whether you like it or not, Ron Pauls' candidacy.

    That window is now closed. I don't see another opening before things get ugly.

    Sure, there was Chuck Baldwin, or the Libertarian party, but they had nowhere near the chance that a GOP candidate had. Ron Paul was in the GOP, and he had a groundswell of support unlike anything in recent political history - one that came from the bottom up rather than being manufactured by the media.

    The GOP is now so far gone, having effectively purged itself of those pesky Ron Paul people, that our only chance for a political solution is perhaps a true third party. But that will not have a snowball's chance in hell until after we have gone through much misery and likely bloodshed.

    I fear it will come to blows long before such a political solution comes.

    And that is why I am still bitter and angry at the short-sightedness of so many on our side. They rejected Ron Paul principally because of his stance regarding Iraq and the broader war on terror. But in doing so, while they have kept the war (Hillary is all for it!) they will have lost the Republic. Too much concern with enemies foreign, and not enough focus on the enemies domestic.

    Disagree if you will, but I still say "you" as in you all, missed the one realistic chance you had at a peaceful resolution.

    Now you/we will have no recourse but an appeal to arms and to the God of hosts.

    I will be there, of course, but I don't have to soft peddle when it comes to how it is we arrived at this point.

    The truth hurts, but as Patrick Henry said it, it is best to know the full truth and then to provide for it.

    And the full truth is the GOP is now the enemy as much as the Democratic party. Fully.

  6. No, you will not say "you" and have it apply to "me"--I don't do collective guilt.

    JB Books, don't just tell me I'm wrong--show me specifically where.

    Anon, don't lay it on me. Prove you did more to persuade people to elect Ron Paul than I did, or to get people to do the right thing in general.

    This "truth" you speak of does not hurt me. And incidentally, I went one further--I got on RPs case for dropping out. He should have gone third party and taken it all the way, but he quit on us.

  7. David, I was speaking to your readers, and gun owners in general, not to you in particular - I should have made that more clear.

    I was angry (still am!) but my anger is not meant for those among your readers who did support Congressman Paul - just those who did not.

    And the truth is that many - indeed most - of the dedicated and hardcore gun owners did not support him. I know that to be a fact because I talked to many, many of them during the campaign and heard the same thing - "I cannot support him because of his position on the war in Iraq." I saw veterans walk out of speeches Congressman Paul gave because of that one issue.

    I agree he should have gone third party and went for it. After the GOP treated him as they did.

  8. Anon, I'm a reader and I think you are out to lunch. I had a very large Ron Paul sign in my front yard long before many knew who he was. I know many here on this blog that were talking of Dr. Paul long before the election heated up. Which means long before the primaries ever got underway.
    When I see such post as your post, I just shake my head and wonder how someone can make themselves out to look so foolish.
    Frankly, I'm somewhat surprised David bothered to try and reason with you. You clearly are not worth the effort. I'm just making my point so you can't blanket the readers of this blog. We tend look down on morons and you seem to walk well in such shoes.

  9. "We tend look down on morons and you seem to walk well in such shoes.'

    Ah yes, the good ol ad hominem attack. Such thoughtful discourse.

    I'd wager this blog gets many hits every day and the ones who actually post comments are a very small sample from which to work. Sure, many of those are libertarians or strict conservatives, including yours truly, but I'd wager that most of the people who come here by way of other RKBA links (or by way of Worldnetdaily) did NOT support Ron Paul.

    AvgJoe, I hope you're not contending that most hard-core gun owners (i.e. the guys who populate the Firingline, etc. and are now losing their minds over what Obama may do and are buying P-Mags like mad) were Ron Paul supporters.

    Most gun owners in this nation did not support him. That really is obvious.

    But it is also a painful reality that most of the hoorah, support the troops crowd who own and shoot "black rifles" and collect high speed, low drag gear did not support him either, for the reasons I stated.

    All I was really trying to say is that many of those who are now talking about revolution against the gun grabbers (just go look over at any of those sites, or even over at Free Republic and you will hear that kind of talk) did not support the one man who could have actually stopped this all from going down.

    Instead, they supported the same old party hacks who are now sticking us in the back (or the backside, as it were).

    You supported Ron Paul. Great! So did I. But most of "our side" just didn't. Plain and simple.

    OK, I'm done. I do feel better, having vented a bit. Now back to work!

  10. Blogger David Codrea said...

    Light, not heat...please?

    Thanks David. All the best. May God help us.

  11. Seemingly you left off a lot of information. Like the huge amounts of money that Ron Paul pulled in over a few different weekends. Record breaking amounts, if I remember correctly. That money came from American Patriots just like the folks that are posting on the bolg.
    Feel free to keep reinventing your message. But the fact is your first message was a clear shot at the posters here. What you should have said was something to the effect that we need to find a way to get the message out to other people. You could have kick some butt on the fact that maybe some of us didn't do enough to get behind Ron Paul to get the message out. Many would be guilt of that, but not guilt of not supporting the man. Not on this blog anyway.


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