Friday, February 27, 2009

Thoughts on Obama

Ron Bokleman, President of the Norfolk County League of Sportsmen's Clubs, shared the following email titled "Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban‏" with me and allowed me to post it here:

The United States Constitution clearly says “…shall not be infringed”. The basis for the Bill of Rights was that they were a list of “Shall not’s” issued by our Founding Fathers. The Bill of Rights GRANTS you nothing. The Bill of Rights is there to restrain the Government, as are all the subsequent Amendments.

This too, then, is an infringement. NJ just tried to pass this and fell one vote short as I recall. I helped kill a similar bill in mASSachusetts last legislative session. It has nothing to do with “affordability” and those that use that argument are forfeiting their rights without a fight. In mASSachusetts we have a Governor willing to try and push RFID/GPS tracking chips into our vehicles to tax you on the miles you drive! This is totalitarianism from the collectivists – “do gooder’s” who want to control everything you do and will use lies like “Global Cooling” oops “Global Warming”…oh crap let’s just call it “Climate Change” “since we’re wrong crowd”.

It’s critical that we all get on the same page here. If we don’t … it will be too easy to defeat us.

The issues in Mexico are not our problem. If these drug cartels want guns, they’ll get them from anywhere in the world. This is media hype against the Constitution as always. Where’s the media hype over the FACT that over 400 kidnappings have occurred in Arizona by drug cartels coming OVER OUR BORDER? Sneaking in, across our border, invading people’s homes in the United States! Where’s the outrage over that? Now that’s our problem. I’d say this too, you want to save Mexican (and American) lives? Ok, secure the damn border!

I’d suggest you all start reading David Codrea’s Gun Rights Examiner National column – daily and get informed.

Here’s a prediction. Given the makeup of Congress at the moment and how easily the “Welfare, Healthcare Bill”, (“Stimulus” Package) went through Obama and Holder think this will be a slam dunk. Obama wants it done before his first term ends because of what he thinks is a majority in Congress. This will KILL his chances for a second term. In fact, that’s now dead already thank God.

I think they’ll get this through, and then those of us who “told you so” will resist any of these new regulations until the Supreme Court kills it. It’s going to be a long and costly fight and hopefully the Constitution will prevail. If not there are other alternatives…like exercising our Second Amendment Rights as our Founding Fathers intended. Unfortunately, for everyone, that will come at a much higher cost. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, hurtful, hateful, or ridiculous about my making statement either. Either our Constitution is the law of the land or it isn’t. You can’t stand in the middle anymore.

There are now 22-26 States with legislation pending to declare State Sovereignty under the 9th and 10th Amendments. I personally filed a House Resolution with my State Rep. here in MA.

Obama wants to declare himself like “Lincoln”? He might just might get his chance by kicking off the Second Civil War. It will be his administrations fault, not ours. Problem is, he wants this in the worst way. Why? Because then he’ll be able to suspend elections, declare martial law, and strip us of all remaining rights. Any crisis will be viewed as a way for the Government to seize more control and squash the people. No different than Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush and most of the Presidents before him starting with FDR. We can’t let this happen. We can’t let him have his crisis. However, it’s up to each of you to join in the fight, while you still can, to do it peaceably through our legislative process.

This is NOT about Democrats or Republicans. That is a pure distraction to divide us. They’re ALL complicit in this together. It’s about Government control. Marching us toward “Collectivism” (for the greater good) under “Totalitarian” rule. Those that see it happening are awake. Those that disagree, laugh at these remarks, and stick their heads in the sand will have their day of reckoning too. Only then…it will be too late.


  1. The legislative process. That has worked really well over the past 80 years.

    It's already too late, Bud. Sadly, we are watching the wreck and applying the brakes now won't work. Hang on, it is gonna be a bumpy ride.

  2. what about those of us who agree, and laugh at the proposed solutions among those remarks?

  3. It is too late, I fear. I believe that only drowning in their own blood will stop the abuse of the Constitution and the citizens it was written to protect.

  4. The Rubicon is crossed. There will be blood.

  5. And as long as the gun community continues to split itself into little groups the way the progressives chop up Americans, we'll still be easy pickin's for them. Would that we could drop the "fudd, prag, 3%er, etc" bs. But I guess as long as half the gunnies think passing an unconstitutional bill with a positive gun amendment attached to it is ok, we have bigger problems than just calling each other names, eh?

  6. BillH--the motivation is hardly to call each other names. I don't think you mean that joining in the compromising of principles is the solution...?

    And you're right about the bigger issue--I'm getting ready to tackle that DC bill. I'm guilty of passing along a GOA alert a few days back--and while I agree with what the Ensign Amendment did, voting for the entire DC representation bill was a further shredding of the Constitution and I did not study the issue deep enough to point that out at the time.

  7. The issues in Mexico certainly are our problem. Where do the drug cartels get their money?

    The "gun rights" movement continues to eat its own tail and then wonders why it isn't getting larger. The Second Amendment doesn't exist in a vacuum; "shall not be infringed" depends primarily on the protections of six other amendments, all of which are violated--with widespread approval of the populace--while pursuing other types of prohibitionism. That's why it's so rare that an actual Second Amendment case is heard in fe'ral court.


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