Saturday, February 21, 2009

We're the Only Ones Backing Up Enough

Illinois State Police say they’re investigating how and why a southern Illinois sheriff backed over and killed his 87-year-old mother-in-law. [More]
What's this?
No charges have been filed.
Will there be? Involuntary manslaughter or some such? Or is this backup, "Only Ones" style?

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


  1. Hmmm. I'd withhold judgment on this one. That kind of incident doesn't always result in immediate charges no matter who's involved, and the article doesn't give a lot of detail. It's also not unheard of for charges never to be filed for something like this.

    Definitely something to watch, but not necessarily something I would think of as an "only ones" type of incident without more information.

  2. Somehow, I don't think the disappearance of the assailant(s) speak well of anything they might have to say.

    They're going to keep on until there is a hunting season on them.


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