Sunday, February 15, 2009

We're the Only Ones Flowery Enough

Police in South Carolina gave away roses on Valentine's Day. All you had to do to get one for your sweetie was turn in a gun. [More]
I wonder how many "Only Ones" lauding this surrender turned in theirs?

What? None?

Why? Don't the love their "sweeties"?

[Via Mama Liberty, Bruce Mills and Steven K]


  1. Hmmm... Turn in your gun so you can't protect your sweetie, just so you can get a flower for your sweetie? I'm all for romance and flowers and such, but it seems one would be derelict in the far more important duty of being her protector if he gave up his gun for a flower, never mind the huge discrepancy in the monetary values.

  2. I've got a rose!!! and I know how to use it !!!

    oh and my word verification is " HUMPO" double score!!

  3. Make sure it's a thorny one; better for self-defense.
    Well, no GOOD cops will be injured attempting to confiscate guns involuntarily, and no SMART people will be lacking them before then.
    There's an old, old story about the danger of roses. A man was driving his love in their Ford Model A or something when he produced a rose and handed it to her, intending to propose. He was distracted and crashed the car, killing her instantly while he didn't get a bruise. He pined away in guilt and sorrow and died.
    True story. Maybe there should be a rose safe-handling test. Do the S.C. cops bother to think ahead AT ALL? Oh, the humani-(tea rose).

  4. Hey I'll give away a DOZEN roses for any Authorized Journalist who surrenders their keyboard forever.

    Don't they love their sweeties?


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