Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blame Criminal, Not Guns for Oakland Shootings

It also sidetracks our attention from what we should be focusing on: the criminal.

And how is he presented?
Oakland shooter unable to escape cycle of violence...

Family members, angry and upset after their loss, describe Mixon as an deeply frustrated young man who likely snapped under the weight of opportunities missed or denied.
Personal choices have nothing to do with it, you see. It's not like he had anything to do with the "cycle of violence," is it? [More]

Much of the media is focusing on banning guns and sympathy for the Oakland killer. Today's Gun Rights Examiner column is an attempt to steer the debate back in the right direction.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Please read the column and share the link. And Digg if you're inclined. If a small fraction of regular WarOnGuns readers were members there and helped propagate these links, it could literally increase Examiner column readership by tens of thousands by pushing them to the front page before the resident Marxist Liberty Suppression Brigade could bury them.


  1. I've overheard people like Mixon. They wouldn't mind getting off the corner and having a job, if they could go straight into management of 6 or 10 people they could abuse, with a big office and a big leather chair and a couple of sexy secretaries. At least I THINK that's what they were saying, because what wasn't profanity was unintelligible, inarticulate slang.
    I'm sorry much of the black community, and much of OTHER communities as well, lives at or below the poverty line. My parents did too, at first, yet they never stole, robbed, cheated, raped or killed. Somehow, they kept their human decency, started with low-skill, low-pay jobs and worked their way up, finally owning their own business and providing jobs to advantage-taking jagoffs a cut above Mr. Mixon, but barely. The reward? 50% tax bracket, regulations they had to hire another person just to handle, and harassment about a berm and tree buffer zone on land they owned for 40 years.
    No sympathy for Mixon, the cops or The System they belong to, which is ready to declare the rest of us gun owners instant felons because of the Mixons of the world.

  2. Picture a liberal staggering across the landscape Frankenstein-style, saying, "Must...ban...gunssss...."

  3. This sort of media reaction is of course the completely predictable result of one of your vaunted "3 percenters" actually living up to all that macho chest-beating. The total lack of support for his actions here is also rather unsurprising, of course. He's obviously the wrong sort of 3 percenter...

  4. Ken, that's one of the more stupid and obnoxious things I've seen you post. Furthermore, it is a lie.

    Your reputation, I guess.

  5. In a way, Ken is right about the "wrong" kind of three percenter, because the perp was a murderer at heart, some say a rapist, and he represents the 3% of criminals that will fight to the death to remain free, in order to murder and rape and steal their way to their hearts content. Oh, I'm sorry Ken, you were referring the fact that this dear fellow was black. I guess if blacks were not responsible for 48% of the murder in the US, people wouldn't get that idea. But you just KNOW them cops were profiling. Cry me a river. And stop wetting your pants about the chest thumping 3%ers, and their "macho" ways, we mean what we say, and if you really don't believe it, then that's too bad. I know a way you can find out(wink-wink).

  6. The 1st article I read on this had the obligatory family member stating "He is not a monster!"..... just wow.

    Also, to top it all off I wonder if his AK had "the shoulder thing that goes up"?

    At least he's dead.


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