Monday, March 09, 2009

Don't Let the Door Hit You, Arlen

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) does not have the fall-back option of running as an independent should he lose his 2010 primary election, giving the senior lawmaker strong incentive to abandon his party this year.

Specter faces an extremely difficult primary race against former Rep. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), the conservative firebrand who lost his bid to oust Specter from his seat in the 2004 GOP primary by a mere 17,000 votes (out of more than a million cast). [More]
Because it always makes smart political sense to give an "A" rating and endorse the guy who allowed the "assault weapons" ban to pass by taking a powder, and who voted against allowing airline pilots to arm...

See, the problem is, guys like me just don't understand politics.


  1. Unbelievable.

    The NRA continues down the path towards total victim disarmament.

    The sorry scumbags have been compromising the 2nd Amendment for a long, long, time.

    Just added more fuel to the fire to support JPFO and GOA.

    These traitors, like Specter and his ilk, HAVE to go.

    Just voting them out of office is to good for 'em, 'cause they will in turn, be back, establishing policy by becoming a consultant or a lobbyist.

    Short ropes and tall trees for the whole lot of 'em.


  2. He seems to be as well thought of as John Murtha. I hear that hunting RINO's is fashionable right now ...

  3. I hope we absolutely send him running. And by the way I checked and could not find a bag limit or season restriction for RINO's. Have at-em boys!

    Keep America Safe!

  4. The linked article mentions all of the republican voters that switched to dem to vote in the primaries as a factor in play. Are they forgetting that a lot of those folks were probably staunch repubs that were responding to Rush Limbaugh's confusion call regarding Hillary?

    They could elect a Chia Pet and have a better Senator than Arlen Sphincter.

  5. Today Specter is cited as stating the economy is far worse than the public knows; yet this jackass refuses to disclose what he allegedly knows...good riddance to this opportunistic enemy of liberty. Jerk didn't even notice that his seat remained on the dem hit list even after his quisling vote for the bogus stimulus pork fest.


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