Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Fact that Needs Emphasis

It emerged that Kretschmer had been suffering from depression, even attending a clinic and receiving medication for the condition. [More]
Why is that buried in the story to where it would be easy to miss?

Why does it seemingly, at least on a cursory look, merit no headlines?

And is it any surprise to find other topics where the media has failed in its primary task?

[Via Avg Joe]


  1. The fact that the media and Brady uses the 30K number of violent gun deaths for the yearly count in the US. They don't tell the simple fact that half kill themselves and that half is by far and large make up of people on the "mind controlling drugs" from their doctors. Every single case of some crazed killer murdering people in numbers has been on these drugs.
    OK, thats gun violence. What about these killers that do not have a gun but use a knife or a rock or a baseball bat/club. How many people are being slaughtered by these people flipping out on these mind drugs. These mind drugs are far more dangerous than the drugs in the war on drugs. How many people are gunned down by some pothead after he blows some of that stuff. My hunch is ZERO. Yet we have thousands every year butchered by legal drug crazies in this country, and its just fine and dandy. No reporting on it as a huge national problem which it is.
    What really stinks about this whole stinking mess is we do not see the GOA, NRA and the rest stepping up to counter Brady and the liberal media with the simple fact: These killers are killers because the drugs they are giving by their doctors "makes" them flip out.

  2. "He didn't have many friends. They only really liked him because of his cash."
    Maybe he wasn't nice to anyone. That is a prescription for loneliness and isolation. You have to reach out, show an interest in others. Maybe he thought he was better than everyone and thought they should kiss his arse. People are generally too busy with their lives and stuff.
    Maybe his medication was no longer effective, so he went off of it altogether. That's often the case in these incidents. Hopelessness takes over, and anger. All the people who DIDN'T kiss his arse had to be made to pay. The Kolumbine Kids were the same.
    Both Kretschmer and Columbine are perfect propaganda opportunities: violent video games, simulated weapons, an interest in real weapons. I'd say that's probably 3/4 of the people who visit waronguns. Counter-Strike and similar games offer the opportunity to play as a good guy or terrorist. They teach some real-workd tactics. No wonder they blame them.
    What galls me is, people who repeatedly come to the attention of the authorities for unhealthy behaviors are eventually ignored, while they want psych tests for anyone and everyone who wants a gun, about half the population. If yuo kill 10 people, you just eventually "snapped," but if you want the means to stop the killer, you "need watching."

  3. The bottom line is that such things are almost impossible to PREDICT. One of the greatest dangers to our liberty is the crazy idea that dangerous people can always (or even often) be identified, categorized and prevented from hurting others by laws and restrictions on everyone.

    Not everyone who takes anti-depressants goes on to commit murder, by any means. Are they effective at all? Yes - when used appropriately, and sometimes are life savers. They must be evaluated on an individual basis by medical professionals rather than those with a political ax to grind.

    Pre-emptive "laws" and all the other gun control nonsense comes out of this unfortunate and totally false idea that such crimes can be predicted and prevented by "law."

  4. Naturally, this is somehow OUR fault:

    One friend, meanwhile, suggested Kretschmer may well have been inspired by the killing of 10 people in Alabama the day before he picked up his Beretta.

  5. MamaL, you are missing my point. Its not the gun, rock, knife, club that is the danger here. Its the drugs that are the core of the problem. Making new gun laws because of these druged up people go out and kill will not stop the killings. The only thing that will stop the killings is if people whom are on these drugs are supervised closely by their doctors to look for the warning signs. The drug companies have clearly stated that these drugs can make some people go bonkers and engage in acts of great violence. Takng away guns from lawful people will do zero at stopping these people from killing other people.
    I can't help wondering why a study hasn't been done on people who kill themselves. Are they taking these drugs. Yet what we have is scum like the Brady group using the numbers of people who kill themselves to try and pass gun laws. If the Brady cared about human life they would be saying: "WOW as many people who are killed by criminals, and legal shootings kill themselves because they are taking mind controlling drugs that their doctors give them."
    Guns need to stop being scapegoated to help cover up there's a big problem with mind controlling drugs in this country.

  6. http://gungeekrants.blogspot.com/2009/03/main-stream-media-are-bunch-of-twits.html

    I predicted in my first blush rant about the shootings that once the investigation got rolling the background showing issues and warning signs would likely come out. Just that the media doesn't ant to make too big a deal of it since it was the evil assault weapons that did the killing.

  7. I don't care. I really don't. I feel sorrow for the families of the dead, but not much.

    That's right not much sorrow for the families. I feel a great deal more sorrow for the dead people who believed that their families' opinions regarding helplessness as a security measure was valid, and didn't have the chance to learn differently because the people in power in any political system where voting is allowed voted their lives away with the encouragement of those families.

    I don't want to hear them whine. I don't want to see them cry at the funerals of their loved ones. I don't believe they mean it. Else they wouldn't have been so damn willing to sacrifice them on the altar of state protection which at its best is a joke and at is worst is murder.

    Yeah, I know. I'm a mean sonofabitch. I'm so goddamned mean I think people should be able to and willing to accept defense of themselves, their loved ones and those charged to their care.

    What an unfeeling philosophy! Much better to wail and gnash teeth in media enhanced shows of emotion while avoiding any responsibiltity for creating the environment where innocents can be slaughtered without any possibility of defense.

    Hoodamnray, you voted for it, you got it. Now STFU.

    Meanwhile the rest of us will extract a price for the acts of such monsters. Not because we want to, but because we hope to dissuade the future monsters by not allowing the present monster the fame/notoriety he desires. Ain't nothing glorious about getting your ass shot off before you even get a good start. Not much copycat material for an ignominous and failed end.

    But, of course, we can't have that! People might actually start to think they are somebody. Better they die than be self-reliant. Ask any disarmament freak. They are freaks, you know.

    I just can't understand why so many volunteer to be the "unterfreak".


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