Friday, March 06, 2009

New Black Panthers Demonstrate Responsible Gun Use?

The Panther's affinity for Marxist dogma notwithstanding, their stand demonstrates the true meaning and power behind the Second Amendment's guarantee that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. But the incident also speaks loudly for how rights are selectively recognized by the authorities. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column continues this week's discussion on race and guns.

Also in this article: Alerts from Georgia and Nevada, and the latest commentary from my fellow GREs.

Please read and share it with your friends.

UPDATE: The lefties on Digg are burying our GRE articles to keep them from getting to the front page--this means when they succeed, they are literally denying that tens of thousands of readers get to see them--I'm not BSing--it's something we are working on among ourselves in our group correspondences. Because it's a social network that works that way, there is very little we can do to stop that if supporters of these articles don't help us keep that from happening by digging and sharing in greater numbers. It's just another one of those cases where simple inaction can mean the difference between success and failure.


  1. One thing that submitters need to do is pay attention to their submissions. All too often I come across someones article tag and it doesn't say "digg this", it says submit, even tho they have submitted it. Then you end up going through the process to submit it for them, only to find out that it's already there under a different title and is linked wrong. It makes it a task for us to promote their articles, when they're submitted wrong.

  2. digg is the internet version of what you saw happen in the cargo-cult nyu revolution (to secure the blessings of lunch hour). a perfect example of a democratic community.

    let them learn the hard way.

  3. I don't recall ever seeing a "digg this" link on a GRE article.

  4. Don't know why--we put 'em there.


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