Sunday, March 01, 2009

Tales of the Stupid Party

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has chosen former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the winner of the first Republican straw poll of the 2012 campaign.[More]
Gee, thanks, "conservatives."

Between gungrabbing Mitthead and that "hip-hop makeover" your gungrabbing chairman thinks is just the ticket, you're pretty much telling me you're the enemy, too, when it comes to protecting my right to keep and bear firearms of militia utility.

And no amount of shameless exploitation will convince me otherwise.

Continue to lose.

Gee, if we can't vote our way out of this, what's left?


  1. Romney is a RINO, and is totally unacceptable!

  2. a funny thing happened on the way to the tax revolt.

    oh, did i say that out loud?

  3. David, the only difference between the two parties is the route they will take the people to slavery. Both parties will take us to the very same place just different roads.
    You live in Ohio, if Mike V leaves from the south and I leave from the Rocky Mountains to visit you. We both have arrived at the same place using different roads. Just like the phony two party system. However this phony two party systems serves a very useful need for the international bankers who control the show. It keeps the people divided and the people eye's on each other while the dirty deeds are being done right under their noses.
    When I hear someone tell me they are a republican and have to be to protect their gun rights. I ask them what party the NRA supports. They answer republican. I ask them what party the Brady Bunch supports. They take the bait and answer democrat, LOL! They have a bit of a problem finding out the Brady Bunch is a republican group.
    With the NRA and the Brady Bunch being republican groups. Who needs democrats to disarm us, we got the best of the best with the republicans doing it to us.
    The two party scam is just that a scam and only departmentalized useful idiots get sucked into the game. A game by design to keep the idiots busy to have them wake up too late.

  4. This country stopped being a Republic some time ago.The Rule of Law was completely abandoned 8 years ago after being mostly ignored for decades.Avg joe is unfortunately pretty much right,the political class is owned outright by the top 1/2 of 1% of the wealthy.As long as we have 30,000 REGISTERED Lobbyists in DC you can forget about having any influence as a voter.Money talks.

  5. An authoritarian of one stripe is just like an authoritarian of another stripe. When there's a boot on your neck it matters not whether it is a right boot or a left boot.

    When we all start standing up, demanding, and actively protecting the rights of everyone, even those who we don't personally like, then the tide will turn. Until then we will wonder where this tsunami of tyranny is coming from, not realizing we are contributing to it by turning our backs on the rights of "those people". Whoever they may be.

  6. In one of those cop movies, a detective is investigating people in a tenement, and a little punk kid about 6 gives him the finger. And continues to. Soon he has BOTH middle fingers up and is looping them around like jet planes doing aerobatics to emphasize his ultimate contempt for police.
    The Republicans have just "saluted" their base the same way.
    The R Party left me about 15 years ago. I wrote and told them so. No reply.

  7. What's left, or next, well, there are plans;

  8. Mitt Romney is a plastic faced butt-puppet. A perfect match would be Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

    Now there would be a perfect ticket for the next presidential election!


  9. Elephant and irrelevant rhyme. Maybe they could write a kickin' rap song. And then clap out of rhythm, like goobers. The parody of that tacky and untalented church and school pep rally music couple on Saturday Night Live comes to mind.


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