Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We're the Only Ones Exempt Enough

Delegate Mark Hunt, D-Kanawha, is co-sponsor of HB3248, a bill aimed at adding members of the Legislature to a list of officials and others who are allowed to skip the waiting period and carry a firearm. [More]
Because everyone knows a threat on "Only One" Mik...uh...Mark Hunt is much more serious and deserving of an expedited response than a threat on you or me...

Don't these parasites have Barbies to ban or something...?

And might such conduct make us wonder why some people are apparently upset?

[Via jpr9]


  1. I'd be interested to know his record supporting CHL for commoners and not just the annointed...

  2. The joke is the large amount of folks that work in government do so because they can't make it in the real world of doing productive work. How many times have any of you heard someone say, "I'm looking for a good job in government". After they have been put out of work in the private sector?
    The joke is we folks in the private sector doing productive work are heads above most of the government employees yet they feel they are smarter than us and know whats best for us.
    I strongly believe that many of the folks in government with that "we are smarter than you little people in the private sector", are suffering from some kind of mental illness. Of course its mental illness because they are unable to see the real world as it is. They have created a little world of their own. I call it the house cat demeanor. Eveyone knows how a house cat acts like its the king of the house and doesn't need anyone. When my cat acts hungry I joke about her just fixing herself something to eat. Kind of like government employees, they can't feed themselves with out us providing the means for them to do so. I would be ashamed of myself if I couldn't feed myself and counted on other people feeding me. Which is what it comes down to.

  3. If the legislature can do it, so can we. Their "Let them eat cake" attitude is about 250 years out of fashion. So one of them get a threat from a criminal. It's not the threat addressed to us we're worried about but the one meant for "To Whom It May Concern." Any time, any place. We have the right.
    They don't get the sentiments of the people. Still.
    I got an email from the range I belong to. The ban list, and urgings to write and vote!!!
    If HR45 passes, I guess I'll need to prove whatever I bring is registered? Forget that.
    Are they pro-gun enough to overlook some civil disobedience, this 100% NRA club? I don't know.
    I don't know how long range practice will be legal, come to think of it. The club tends to take the short view. They look sideways at semi-autos already. Part of the "It'll never get that bad" crowd.

  4. Ahh, but you see they have outed themselves. They have exposed the fact that they do not believe in what they have previously legislated. They have recognized the immediacy of being able to protect one's life and the lives of family.

    Now is the time for all gun rights activists to rage and scream about their perfidy to all and sundry. Now is the time for all citizens to demand that their legislator address this issue head-on and do away with permits and waiting periods for everybody. It has just been admitted that the present law is wrong and even they do not believe in it. Failing that demand they issue statements, each and every one of them, that they believe they are better than their constituents and deserve protection that is not suitable for the 'rabble'. Failing that, it is time to shut them down. Crowd the capitol, raise Hell, make them call the cops to remove you, then do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after and the day.....

    After all is said and done, there is now nowhere for them to hide, unless we let them.

    They won't even be able to offer any legitimate argument against their own contradictory bullshit, simply because anything they now say means, either they will be lying in the present or lied in the past. Either way, if WestbyGodVirginians have any guts, they've got these bastards by the balls.

  5. Mark Hunt? how bout Richard Cranium


  6. This is a curious legal mechanism. I wasn't aware that it was actually possible to single out specific people with civil rights limitations. Didn't we fight a war over that or something? Sounds familiar for some reason.

    So there you have it: Government of That Guy, by That Guy, and for, uh, someone else.

    Why don't the people of West Byrdginia just have a referendum on dissolving the legislature? They sound pretty worthless to me.


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