Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Does 'Operation Southbound Steel' Tell Us About Smuggling U.S. Guns to Mexico?

The ATF Atlanta Field Division put out a "request for information" on March 26 "advising law enforcement agencies of a firearms trafficking trend that involves the movement of illegal firearms from Atlanta, GA to Mexico." [More]
So--where are all those "assault weapons"?

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column brings you information you won't get anywhere else. I will not be surprised if it results in a visit. So I'd appreciate any here who are so inclined to help me shine lights and bang pots. You can do that by sharing this link far and wide, including with other media outlets.


  1. I don't see where a visit would be warranted. What you posted is news. You are using the First Amendment to demand transparency in government. That is the very least that we can ask for in a free nation. Now if you printed the secret ATF handshake, maybe a visit would be warranted. But wanting open and honest government with transparency so the people who are paying for the government can see how their money is being spent is what a good citizen should be doing.
    If you get a visit and my hunch is there's no way thats going to happen. Not over this story. But if you do they would have played their hand as being criminals to use tax money to spew propaganda to cheat the American people out of their Constitutional rights. I don't believe they are that stupid, not by a long shot.

  2. Fox News is parroting the communist lie that 90 percent of the gun in Mexico that the drug gangs are using come from the US.
    What this comes down to is, the government is lying about the guns going into Mexico. The government knows that Second Amendment supporter and many folks who feel government has grown too large, know the government is lying on this issue. They don't care if we know, they are going with the game plan of propagandizing the masses who believe the official line of bullshit. These commies are going to get a new AWB going one way or the other. The ends justify the means so the road taking matters little just so they get there.
    A government that lies to its people is not a government for the people.


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