Thursday, April 30, 2009


Elizabeth Edwards writes in a new memoir that news of her husband's affair made her vomit in a bathroom. [More]
And the AP lead says "New York"...


  1. Just looking at that POS is all it takes for most decent folks.
    I have very little in the department of feeling sorry for her being she's a POS lawyer herself who spend their working life cheating people out of their property using junk science.
    She not only hates guns and the folks that own them. She and her dirtbag husband live in a 50,000 plus sq. ft. home with a HVAC system that is light years away from being anything close to being called grean. Yet her and that dirtbag husband of her's demand that us little people can not own SUV's.
    I'll be sure to buy and read her book, LOL!

  2. The Edwards home is about the same size as that "compound" in Waco, except where the Davidians had a church, the Edwardses have a horse stable and a private workout spa.
    They the ones who objected to a Republican gun owner living across the road, who was there first?

  3. Just seeing the Silky Pony on TV makes me want to hurl. Since replaced by Pres. Kimba, and as soon as he appears, I feel the urge to do the technicolor yawn.

  4. Yo Defender, at this point its not who was there first. Its who is going to be there last, LOL!


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