Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Don't Know Art...

...but I know what makes me gag. [More]

And I do apologize...

[Via Whose Paranoid]


  1. Once you get past the gagging...you can see that "a picture is truly worth more than a thousand words..."

    Eric Holder holds Janet Reno in high esteem. And we're to believe by any stretch of the imagination he'd comply with Constituitonal limitations on any governmental initiative?

    It brings to mind another old saying..."Don't piss on my neck and tell me it's rainin'..."

  2. I'm sure he softly said in her ear, "Janet I burn to death even more children than you did just as soon as I find the right Christian church to do the dirty deed on".

  3. Jumpin Jehosephat, truly enough to gag a maggot!

  4. I can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

    Just FYI - the word verification word for today is - unstabil - Maybe an alternate spelling.

  5. Pardon me while I go BLEACH my brain.

  6. Shit always goes well with shit.

  7. Uhm, my word verification is "untroat"

    I wonder if Holder realizes he's actually kissing a man. I mean really, she's a dude, right?

  8. That didn't make me gag. It made me groan in disgust though. Does that count?

  9. straightarrow4/22/2009 12:15 AM

    I love you David, like a brother. I hope to meet you in person some day. But dammit, now I have to whip your ass? NO,no, no, you know you earned it with this. ;) ;(

  10. Janet's real monument is the new half-billion-dollar BATFE headquarters with the memorial to the four agents killed during their initial armed home invasion at Mt. Carmel in Waco.
    And a bunch of little white plaques set in the ground in a prairie field.

  11. The talk in DC years ago was Reno was the bull dyke that took care of Hillary when she needed to be put in her place, LOL!
    Fact is it was Hillary that got Reno the AG job in the first place.


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