Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Inadvertent" Targets

One official said that led the agency to inadvertently “target” groups of Americans and collect their domestic communications without proper court authority. [More]
I wonder if it would be fair to speculate on which "groups"...?

[Via Ed M]


  1. Told the family we are now considered a terrorist cell according to Janet2's report- they cheered.

  2. Tell you who is not on the list: Arabs who live in the US. Mexican drug runners who are bring in tons of Mexican meth/poison that destroying the lives of tens of millions of Americans.
    Who is on the list, most folks who value their rights and freedoms. Marxist commies hate two things: Freedom/rights and God. Don't believe me check out the link below.

  3. Figures No Such Agency only got in trouble when they played their tricks on an Elite. And what was his/her infraction, saying something less than worshipful about Obama?
    "Fusion" centers. yeah, a fusion of the Soviet model with the Nazi one.

  4. I'm jealous, WP. I wish I had a cell. My family wants me to turn off the computer, calm down and do watercolors. If they want the guns, give them to them, they say.
    My wife is an NFL nut. If the other team wants the ball, GIVE it to them, so nobody gets hurt.
    Wouldn't be much of a game, would it. Aha. Light dawns.
    The animating contest of freedom. I play for keeps.
    No cell= travel light, travel fast.

  5. Oh! Oh! Me! Me!, I can answer that one! Is it, the 'Homegrown Terrorists' who share Thomas Jefferson's views? Or the 'Enemy Combatants' who are inconvenient to the Executive Branch? Or is it the 'Rightwing Extremists' who fought in foreign wars to defend our receding rights or those of us who still value those rights?

  6. straightarrow4/16/2009 1:41 PM

    Why do I keep hearing Gomer Pyle hollering "SURPRISE,SURPRISE, SURPRISE!"?

  7. Defender,

    It may come to that.

  8. Arrow, Gomer was a very faithful woman to her husband and to God. You can read all about her in the Bible. Just to show you have much these people hate us. They take a homosexual man and give him a wonderful woman's name to mock us and what we believe in. The attacks on us as who we are and what we believe in are non-stop. Thanks for adding that because I couldn't have added that point on how they singles us out.

  9. Unless we hang together, we shall surely hang separately.

    This is NOT a "Christian vs everyone else" thing. It is NOT a "homosexual vs straight" thing. It is NOT an "illegal alien vs properly papered 'citizen'" thing. What it IS is a "socialist control freak vs liberty lover" thing. Those who fail to see the big picture and continue to willingly divide the freedom community are handing the socialists the victory Please stop!

  10. Actually, knowing what a bunch of screwed up worthless shmucks most .gov types are, they are tapping into phone sex lines so they don't have to pay for their jollies.

  11. I agree with Kent, the Freedom Community is diverse and we need every last person.

  12. Dear Kent: Please stop exhorting people to seperate Christians from Chrisitanity, and from politics, and from everything else. We, in the Liberty Loving Community you describe are, indeed, a diverse group. We are united by what we agree on, but we are not divided because we believe "other" different things. I think it is you, who can't seem to tolerate anyone or anything outside of what you believe. I don't always understand what you believe, or what you're getting at, but I DO understand your love of liberty and independance. I, and millions like me, are willing to live, fight, and if need be, die in order that we can all be free. After we are, I don't care what you do, as long as you keep your hands off what is mine, and make no aggression towards me or others. And that means hands off what I believe, and think, and say. Your hostility towards Christians and Christianity is so evident, that it displays your fear of it. If a man declares his belief in G*d as the basis for his work for freedom, what is that to you? You're both working for the same goal, for different reasons. And if someone truly believes in freedom, he's not going to force you to be, or promote, Christian ideals, but it is entirely possible that freedom works out to be something that fits what he wants anyway. What is it that you want to stop? People mentioning their faith? Free speech. People believing in G*d? Free thought. Christians involved with their destiny? Freedom. You, I say, are the one dividing us. I am perfectly willing to shoulder arms and soldier with a lot of people I have sharp differences with. I did in the Army, for a long time. It taught me humility, and gratitude, for I learned much from people I didn't really like. But I DID learn how to get along and live beside them. And I found out a lot about myself, and that if we get off each others back, we can get some things we ALL want. And then go our seperate,free,independant ways. I'm willing to fight to the death, that you and I can be free, to do as we please, without impinging on each others rights. How about you?

  13. Sean, I have never advocated "seperat[ing] Christians from Chrisitanity, and from politics, and from everything else". I just want them to be consistent.

    If that were really what you were doing, I would be fine with it. If, however, you use your faith as an excuse to support state aggression against certain groups of people, then you are not fighting for liberty, but against it.

    I fully support the right of people to be Christians, and even be loud and "in your face" about it if that is what they feel they must do. If you would bother to see where my opposition comes into play, you will see that it is always when the excuse of being Christian is used to marginalize or exclude some group, and to basically say they have no protection from state aggression because they are not "worthy".

    I will be glad to be in the trenches next to a Christian, but not if I have to worry about him turning on the "gay, wiccan, undocumented alien" fighting on my other side. It is the knee-jerk condemnation of these "others" that makes me doubt the committment of some Christians to the principles of liberty.

    You don't even notice that my comment was not "anti-Christian" in the slightest. I just mentioned Christianity and you spazzed. Again. I am not at all "anti-Christian:; I am pro-liberty. Stay consistent to liberty and we will never have a problem.

    You ignore my condemnation of other traitors to liberty and only become brittle when it is the failings of Christians that I point out. Why is that? I don't spare any group when they start working against me.

    The state is no more moral or legitimate with a Christian as president, nor no less moral or legitimate (as if that were even possible) with a non-Christian in charge.

  14. Kent, you're a liar, and I'll leave it at that. So long.

  15. Sean said ....
    "Kent, you're a liar, and I'll leave it at that. So long."

    The only one I can see lying here is yourself Sean.
    You seem to not be able to see the mote in your own eye while you rail against the mite in another's eye.

    When you Claim that Christianity is under attack when it is simply being pointed out as a possible separation element you show your level of "indoctrination" of the "Us vs Them" separation that Kent is speaking about.

    Such arrogance, to declare another person a liar, while blinded with superstitious indoctrination.
    So much so that you don't even touch the basic point that Kent Rightly brought to the fore.

    Kent said ....
    "Unless we hang together, we shall surely hang separately.

    This is NOT a "Christian vs everyone else" thing. It is NOT a "homosexual vs straight" thing. It is NOT an "illegal alien vs properly papered 'citizen'" thing. What it IS is a "socialist control freak vs liberty lover" thing. Those who fail to see the big picture and continue to willingly divide the freedom community are handing the socialists the victory Please stop!"

    Which I will echo.

    Learn from your own Christian teachings, dogma, lessons whatever you call the "Message" in your chosen Religion.
    Remove first the mote from thine own eye before you comment on the mite in another persons eye.

    "Divide and Conquer" is still effective in this instance and in this day and time.
    Like it or not, to separate yourself from others or to introduce any form of separation within the general motion towards Liberty Is to be a passive element of the oppressors.


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