Saturday, April 04, 2009

Lightworker to Disarm the World

President Barack Obama will call for the elimination of all nuclear weapons across the globe...[More]
Disarm the militia and disarm the military.

Anyone need any further proof that this traitor is a mole intent on destroying America?


  1. Sauron lives.


    wow follow this link from the story and read the comments. They are so good at convincing themselves they almost convinced me too ! liberals, what a sick bunch of hate mongers, so dislocated from the truth. Or am I just a gun nut waiting to unleash on someone out of fear?

  3. Go to the website
    This is the website of a brave and patriotic lady, Dr. Orly Taitz, who is attempting to get Obama removed from office on the grounds that the POS is not a natural-born citizen, and is therefore ineligible to be POTUS under the constitution.
    Obama must go!

  4. nukes are sort of a red herring issue.

    government entities are far more likely to stay true to the kissinger doctrine. there is more to gain both at home and abroad with "entangled" economics. until anarchy (e.g. the DoI and BoR) is widely understood and accepted, world markets mean world government. there's no escape. probably there won't be. we'll have to learn our lesson the hard way.

    so be it.

    now, obviously the thematic properties of this kind of "call" are disturbing, yes. i will concede that.

    still, nukes are a tactical step backwards -- the infantryman and his battle rifle win wars.

    and, in all cynicism, it only makes sense a socialist would want to abolish nuclear weaponry. you can't tax people you turn into dust.

  5. typical liberalism, right?

    "save us from the bigness of business."

    "save us from the bigness of arms."

    "save us from the bigness of markets."

    just wait until they figure out human ingenuity is endless, infinite.

    infinite is pretty big...

  6. When the nuclear deterrent is gone, the Arabs will roll over Israel, Pakistan and India will annihilate each other the old-fashioned way, Venezuela and its South American allies will head north and south in conquest, and North Korea and Russia will turn their envious eyes on the breadbasket of the planet, the United States. Of COURSE all of these rogue nations will destroy their missiles and warheads, just like individual criminals throw their guns in the river when they're banned.

  7. Israelis may be crazy but they aren't stupid. Best guess is they have between 50 and 100 tactical nukes tucked away for emergency use and I don't see them giving those up any time soon.
    And in case y'all hadn't already figured this out, BHO is an idiot. You can't stuff the nuclear genie back in its bottle. Play that game and the one who cheats the best wins.
    And this doofus has the launch codes for our entire nuclear arsenal. Don't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

  8. At least he's consistent... consistently insane, of course.

    This is exactly the same theme as any other "gun control." Victim disarmament writ large.

    Will we avoid the nuclear winter? Probably only if we start getting rid of these megalomaniacs pretty soon.

  9. Obama does not have the mind of a man who has made anything in the business world. The people around him have never build a business that wasn't something that counted on government for its life support. An example is a CPA telling me they know how to run a business, LOL!
    What we have with Obama and the people he's picked to work with him are political activist. Political activist do not have the skills to run a complex business and frankly the skills to run a free enterprise country's government. I do not see how this country can make it through three years and nine plus months of this kind of leadership.

  10. Oh come on people, you can't honestly believe this garbage. This article is pure partisan propaganda, written for the most bleeding-hearts to believe that Obama is still the peace-loving anti-war activist, and for foolish reactionaries to believe he's going to weaken American military power.

    There's no way Obama has any intention to disarm all nuclear weapons in the United States. This is a symbolic speech, and only shocking because of the biased headline. Don't believe this crap, it makes you look foolish and ignorant.

    "Obama will urge a revival of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty"

    Google the NPT - it has nothing to do with disarming American nukes. He's trying to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, which Israeli intelligence constantly feeds us, and the Iranians deny (ask USAF Col. Sam Gardine). If you people are genuinely concerned about a nuclear detonation in the US, you ought to really think about our relationship with Israel, as that is the sole reason the Islamic people want to attack us (ask CIA`s bin Laden unit, Michael Scheuer).

    If Obama does call for anything, he'll ask for the US to reduce the stockpile from thousands of warheads for only enough to destroy the world only several times over, as long as other nuclear armed countries agree - which they never will - so it's not an real issue.

  11. "So today, I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons." -- President Barack Obama, April 5, 2009

    Certainly, yes, this is pure partisan propaganda. The propagandist is Barack Obama. I doubt as well that he actually believes that nuclear disarmament is possible, but this pursuit aids his real goal: a supranational enforcement regime with plenary power.

    Banks, industry, military -- lock, stock and barrel.

  12. "Make no mistake: as long as these weapons exist, we will maintain a safe, secure and effective arsenal to deter any adversary, and guarantee that defense to our allies - including the Czech Republic. But we will begin the work of reducing our arsenal."

    Same speech.

    In the speech he implies that if we do not remove nuclear weapons, then their use is inevitable - so it probably behooves America as a likely target of a nuclear attacks - to call for the complete removal of them. Of course, that's never going to happen.

  13. Pure propaganda, I don't know about that. The reason is Obama has proved himself to not be an honest man. Never mind all the things he said that he would do if elected. I'm calling him on not providing his birth records and school records. An honest man would have produced them long ago. Being said, with such a man, you never know anything for sure by what he's saying.

  14. AvgJoe, if an elected official is making a statement that's not true, like, "We want Iran to take its rightful place in the community of nations, politically and economically." - or nuclear weapon proliferation in this case.

    Isn't that the definition of propaganda?

    Obama is a liar: acting in the interests of financial institutions, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other powerful wealthy elites in this country; just like the last several POTUS, and our Federal government. This is only an issue being brought up because Obama wanted to be more appealing to certain liberals, while also making the case for a war with Iran: you have to first condemn your nuclear weapons, before you can attack a country for making more. That is why the non-fluf of this speech is trying to convince the international community to sanction and attack Iran.

  15. @Pathogen
    "If you people are genuinely concerned about a nuclear detonation in the US, you ought to really think about our relationship with Israel, as that is the sole reason the Islamic people want to attack us"

    So are you advocating Appeasement? Because if history has taught us anything, its that appeasing bullies and tyrants doesn't work.

  16. Look, folks. The stated and avowed policy of the United States Government and the United Nations is to reduce armament levels worldwide to the point where the only armaments in existence will be for use by international security ("peace") forces and forces necessary to maintain internal (domestic) order.

    This has been in the works for years. Those who support these policies have been desperately trying to finish what they started as far back as FDR's day, and it appears as though the time has come to greatly accelerate that effort.

    Our freedom and liberty and, indeed, the very existence of the united States of America has never been in more jeopardy than they are at this moment.

  17. No Steve K, I'm saying we ought to sever our ties with Israel and Saudi Arabia if we want security in the United States.

    I assume you mean appeasement with Iran, which has nothing to do with the United States. Watch the two videos I posted, particularly this one, on "The Military and Covert Options for Iran" or the first thirty minutes or so. It's certainly the best military and political analysis of Iran I've ever seen. I only wish Obama could watch it. Iran is very dangerous, but does not want to be at war with anyone except Israeli supporters.

    I don't want to hijack any more of this thread than I already have, please shoot me an email rcci04(), or leave a comment on my blog if you'd like to discus this further.

  18. It's too bad the claim that Obama wants to disarm the military is completely delusional and has nothing to do with the quoted article. Why, if he actually did, that would put him in company with other notorious "traitors" intent on "destroying America": Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton.


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