Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Looks Like Some of Us Won't Be Going to the 2A Blog Bash?

Interesting "coincidence" here.

The following topic opened just yesterday in our Google discussion group under the title "Would the Gun Rights guys explain this to me?" It was posted by one of their conservative columnists in Arizona:
I recently signed up to attend the 2nd amendment blog bash <> thinking it would be a good opportunity to network with other AZ bloggers as well as bloggers interested in gun rights, and learn more about the issue.

Because I'm not a dedicated gun rights blogger, I was asked to provide my bona fides, and so gave them links to my resume and main website. Even though I've been a blogger since 2003, live a mile from the AZ border, worked on the Marine base for three years and spoke at Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum Council in 2005, I was still denied access.

Their reason?

They think poorly of Examiner gun rights guys, so therefore I can't be counted on to behave myself in public. Sheesh!

Since the Gun Rights Examiners I've read all seem to be decent people, I really don't get this. So maybe some of you can give me the skinny on this direct -- don't want to bother the main list with my petty issues.


Imagine that! They think poorly of all the GREs? There are now 14 of us, you know, all of us our own people representing our own views. Do they even think poorly of the GREs repeatedly invited back to Cam & Co.? Or just of me? And they'll take that out on one of the writers in any of 60 venues across the nation because of it? Talk about guilt by association.

Besides, since when have I been known not to behave myself in public? The Bashers have never met me in person.

Wanting to get to the bottom of things, I went to their site and registered. And wanting to go with a friend of mine, I got Mike Vanderboegh to register. That was this morning.

Imagine my surprise when I invited another friend to register and we found that in the ensuing moments since Mike and my registration, the sign-up form had... disappeared. What you get instead is an "Error 404 – File not Found" message.

And imagine my surprise when I noticed the following new announcement (that does not yet appear on the home page I just took a screen shot of):
2009 Registration Closed

Registration has now been closed. Following the Mitt Spammers, Sarah Stalkers, and an email I received warning me that people were asked to submit fake registrations, I have been forced to close it early. The demands on the server and my time to sort out the real from the fake are just too high.
Really? And it just now came to a head? And I shouldn't take it personally, despite what a complete stranger to me said on our Examiner board? What a relief!

But no one else from this point forward will be admitted, right? They don't have time even for people they know are real? I mean, Mike and I have the receipt from our apps--they know we're not Mitt Munchers or Sarah Spitters or whatever they call them. And we got ours in before they closed the gate.

Look, I never go where I'm not welcome. If they don't want me to attend, all they have to do is say so. But what about the innocent AZ Examiner who got her application in before the conveniently sudden decision to stop taking applications--and was summarily rejected because I'm thought poorly of? What's the deal with that?

Maybe Bitter, who is running this, would like to weigh in? Assuming the demands on her time to sort through some questions and comments here aren't just too high?


  1. but... it's just an NRA public relations stunt? one corner of their larger, ritzier conference? so gun bloggers are their token?

    at any rate, i'm sure it will be corrected. it would be silly of them to create an echo chamber, devoid of the accurate criticism you and yours provide. they need it.

  2. Funny that they asked for bona fides...

    From their FAQ Page:
    "Do I have to cover mostly guns to attend?

    No. You don’t need to focus on gun issues all the time to attend. Any new media publisher who supports our Second Amendment rights is welcome to attend and learn more about what’s going on in the gun/outdoor industry, in politics, and in the pro-gun community. There are many different interests to cover in our community, and we will do our best to touch on them all."

    I wasn't going to attend anyway due to a scheduling conflict, but I might just skewer them publicly for hypocrisy.



  3. I see you've seen that if it isn't THEIR viewpoint, as in an NRA Zombie (not in the Liberal Way, in the we-only-know-whats-right way that you can see in Sebastian's comments about III often) view, it's not welcome.

    Say Hello to the Great Dividers, the Pragmatic NRA.

  4. straightarrow4/29/2009 5:51 PM

    If you had said Bitter was running it up front, you could have saved me some time reading. I would have known all I needed to know.

    She is as phony as her boy(?)friend.

    Neither of them will do to have at your back nor to ride the river with. Not trustworthy, not morally courageous, not even honest. Of course, you weren't welcome.

  5. Let 'em talk to themselves in their little strokin' circle...heaven forfend there be some new thought, new blood, new conversation...

  6. Once again, no reason to use nra and 2A or gun rights in the same sentence. They are opposites and should not be confused.
    "He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my
    He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would
    fully suffice." -- Albert Einstein

  7. I'll just reprise my comment from Armed and Safe:
    I must sadly say that I am not really surprised by this. It was only a matter of time before the blogosphere developed the very same clique mentality that's infected the mainstream media, and the accompanying clique-ish attitudes and groupthink. And this was only sped along by the fact that many of them are friends in real life; anybody who's observed human relationships for any period of time knows when that sort of thing happens it affects one's objectivity. Don't get me wrong, it's cool that their blogs fostered meatspace friendships, but I surely hope no one thought that group wasn't going to form an agenda of its own and exclude or ostracize those who didn't quite agree with said agenda though they still ultimately shared the same goals with the people they agreed with. And yeah, people have gotten killed because of those attitudes (ex.: the Challenger explosion), but still they remain.

  8. Now that is one bitter bitch. Guess we know who wears the pants in that family.

    I joined the NRA so I could go to the blog event. I think I'll write a letter to ole Wayne ("He's French!") LaPierre and ask for my money back. Better yet, I think I'll just ask him to explain why ole bitter shut down the registration when she had me and David's registration in hand.

    What sacks of poulty-variant excremental ooze.

  9. I guess what they want to hear from us Three-Percenters is "If you try to take our guns, we'll write some really scathing letters to the editor!"
    The sad thing, as usual, is that their "reasonable approach" doesn't seem reasonable at all to our opponents. They reach out the hand of compromise, and the Dark Side eyes it and asks "has that hand TOUCHED a GUN?" It's as medieval as the church making women accept the communion wafer with gloves on or in a handkerchief, because their hands were "profane" from presumably touching their husband's little buddy.

  10. Well, I thought my missing posts made a couple good points, but I guess my hate of the self righteous A-holes was a bit too much.

    Essentially, how nice that now they can continue to claim that 3pers aren't doing anything "inside the system" since they are blacklisted.

    Are they afraid? Jealous? Envious?

    Funny how they're taking the same position as progressive administrators, that is to say they are fully realizing all definitions of "administer"

    Main Entry:ad£min£is£ter
    Inflected Form:-is£tered ; ad£min£is£ter£ing \-st(*-)ri*\
    Etymology:Middle English administren, from Anglo-French administrer, from Latin administrare, from ad- + ministrare to serve, from minister servant — more at MINISTER
    Date:14th century

    transitive verb
    1 : to manage or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of *administer a trust fund*
    2 a : to mete out : DISPENSE *administer punishment* b : to give ritually *administer the last rites* c : to give remedially *administer a dose of medicine*
    intransitive verb
    1 : to perform the office of administrator
    2 : to furnish a benefit : MINISTER *administer to an ailing friend*
    3 : to manage affairs
    Sounds like this "blog bash" is just another one of those astro turf efforts the "democrats" were talking about on April 15th.

  11. Of course it's an NRA public relations stunt. What do you think, they want news crews to tape a shouting match between the Prags and the Threepers?

    Honestly, how many of you here think that mixing those two groups would result in Reasoned Discourse™? We already know what it does on the intarwebs.

    And I think we've had this discussion before - in the Civil Right to Arms movement, the Prags play MLK and the Threepers play Malcom X. The opposition talks to the Prags, because otherwise they have to talk to you.

    Don't act all surprised and butthurt. This is the role you've embraced.

  12. Note:

    I'm speaking for myself here. I don't know that Bitter has done what you've accused her of, but I wouldn't find it surprising, for the reason I gave above. - Kevin

  13. straightarrow4/30/2009 11:48 PM

    The prags don't play MLK, if they did we would embrace them. The prags play Vidkun Quisling.

  14. Smile when you say that.

  15. David,

    What Google group is that? I couldn't find it.

  16. At some point, one of us is going to have to go Patrick Henry on all these FIABNs (Fudds In All But Name).

    There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free--if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us! They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength but irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

    It is in vain, sir, to extentuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

  17. Peter, you need to be a News and Politics Examiner to join that Group--it's designed to let us communicate, ask questions, etc. related to producing our columns, technical issues, announcments, etc.

  18. OK-I am a new Libertarian-thought I knew about

    gun rights-nra member-have a lot of guns kind of


    What is the secret you all have about the nra.

    I want to learn! They seem a little too corparate, but

    that's all I know. Help me out with this.

    I didn't THINK I was a newbie, but now I am

    starting to wonder! I love your blogs- especially

    western rifle shooter.

    Let's hear it!! Fill me in on the NRA!

  19. A somewhat different topic, Kat--I don't want threads here to get derailed on a different subject. Enter NRA in this site's search window and spend some time looking at the various posts that come up.

  20. David -

    I won't be fortunate enough to attend this year, but - what's to prevent folks from starting up a more "open and accepting" independent group with some basic rules about "play nice w/ each other" (or at least strangle each other off camera)?


  21. Only someone who wants to do it and is willing to put through the work to make it happen.

    Know anybody without a full plate of priorities they find more pressing?

  22. For God's sake don't delay hanging Bitter just because she hasn't had a chance to defend herself.

    Let's lynch Sebastian while we're at it, just to show everyone how tough we are.

    The Bradys and VPC just love this crap.

  23. They're the ones who were excluded so they're the ones causing divisiveness?

    How does that work Ride Fast?

    And are you scolding people over at SiH for playing into Brady and VPC hands when they badmouth 3 percenters?

  24. When I was in the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, there was a saying.... "Perception is 90% of the truth!"

    What that meant, is that how someone perceives something will be the truth in their eyes and how they treat the matter.

    Often I feel the pro-gun/pro-2nd Amendment movement divides itself needlessly. To me it's akin to the Marines and the Army bashing each other, along with the Navy...etc.

    For instance, the NRA is not perfect. No one is. Just like there is no perfect church, and if anyone finds one, don't join it as it'll cease to be perfect. Mistakes will be made...

    That said, the NRA does a lot of good for the 2nd Amendment. So does GOA and many other organizations. The NRA is akin to our army. It's the big may be slow sometimes, full of beaucracy, etc. GOA might be akin to the marines. More nimble, a bit more aggressive.

    Stupidity sets in when we start tearing each other apart. Sometimes we need to forgive. Sometimes we need to simply realize that there are different missions related to the same war. Air Force fighter pilots are great pilots but they'd have done a lousy job landing amphibious assault vehicles on D-day. Hence, that job was filled by Navy and numerous Coast Guardsmen with small boat experience.

    Wars are won and lost on two accounts. Firstly, they are lost militarily. And second, they are lost politically. We need the soldiers in our armed forces who can with both battles. That means some need to be able to handle the politics that is dealing with the outside. While others need to be able to train those fighting on the front. Both are needed...they should not disdain each other.

    We are all akin to officers in the armed forces. We may be in different branches and different roles. But I think we all should act like officers, be gentlemenly.

    Yes, sometimes the feathers get ruffled. Sometimes we need to all take a step back, sometimes we need to forgive. Reconciliation isn't likely to happen overnight..may take days or it may take years.

    Lastly, I think we always need to be mindful of our image. Especially, as it pertains to outsiders (those not members of the pro-gun/2nd Amendment choir). It can be too easy to provide fodder to the other side. When a pro-gunner mixes in vitriol, hatred, racism, or any other such denigrating activity is has the effect of tarnishing the image as a whole by providing an example to the anti-gunners/disarmament folks to use in portraying us to the masses.

    And this is very much akin to religion. One does not convert one of the masses overnight. Rather it's a prolonged conversion of influence, although it may appear that the individual member of the masses converts to our side overnight. There is usually a hidden trail of influences.

    Now I am not sure what happened, or what went on behind the scenes. But I think you have the choice to choose the path that is either noble or ignoble. One can choose to quietly and gentlemanly walk away. Or one can raise a fuss and try to light a hornets nest. One is more noble than the other. And I say this as one who just had to do so on a very personal level this past year. It's NOT easy....but it's right.

    Often we are so full of pride that we cannot find it in ourselves to do such. It is hard for Man to apologize when he has made a's even harder for Man to do so when he does not perceive himself to have made any wrong doing. From personal experience, I have found that apologizing even if I have done no wrong can tremendously affect situations.

    On a personal level...I'll share my feelings. I am not trying to attack you or choose sides or anything of the sort. I am just going to share my personal feelings regarding the "War on Guns" blog. I read it regularly. I find your blog very informative. It's a good asset. But there are many times that I feel there is too much vitriole in the postings for my taste. The information you provide is great, you are great resource. But the delivery sometimes prevents me from being able to pass it around to on-the-fencers. Take that for whatever it's worth. (2 grains of salt adjusted for inflation, give it a few years of this present administration and it might be 2 bags of salt.) *lol*


    As for the NRA versus GOA. I just became a member of GOA. I became a member of the NRA approx. 2 yrs ago. I am a relatively new gun owner. But have become fervant in defense of our rights both 2nd and others.

    The one thing I dislike about GOA, and that probably delayed my membership a bit. Was that I felt there was too much finger-pointing at the NRA. It divides and confuses. If you don't think so, it's because you're not new to the gun world. Take it from a newer user of guns. It can become akin to our present political parties that like to blame and point to the failure of each other. Who cares... I don't ever want to hear from GOA why the NRA is bad or sucks. I just want to hear why GOA is good. What GOA is doing. Anytime someone is wasting words trashing the NRA or another. They are wasting words that could have been spent furthering our cause.

    GOA should really take the mantle. The NRA is the Army, and we're the Marines. Sometimes a smaller more mobile unit is required.

    Anyways....please take this comment with the best of intentions.

    Jason at the N.U.G.U.N. Blog

  25. straightarrow5/02/2009 5:56 AM

    Ride Fast, you obviously haven't been paying attention to who is doing what or you are not honest.

    Those are the only two legitimate options. I am going to opt for not paying attention. But you can still change my mind.

    All the hanging rope has been displayed by Bitter and Sebastian. They are also the ones who have disinvited gun bloggers who have a different idea about how to proceed. Just who the Hell do you think that makes divisive and exclusionary? DUH!

  26. LOL a bunch of loud, militant Threepers want to crash an NRA-sponsored event, and have a querulous hissy fit when they're excluded?

    I'm with Kevin Baker on this one. Act like boors, get treated like boors. Get used to it.

  27. Talk about acting like a boor.

    Your trademark MO,I believe.

  28. Kim comes out of the "bunker" snipes and takes off.

    Ha, ironic that someone that has done so much for 2nd amendment awareness has sunk to using tactics he so long decried.

    Kim, the other side of Kim and nation of riflemen sites are missed and needed now but casting stones at David and Mike and IIIpers just doesn't make any sense in my book.

    If you don't have the stomach for the current 2nd amendment argument leave it be.



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