Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

The family of a man who was stabbed to death by teenage thugs after he asked them to keep the noise down have been denied compensation - because he tried to fight off his killers. [More]
Financial incentives to be a sheep---what will they think of next?

[Via Mama Liberty]


  1. straightarrow4/14/2009 12:33 PM

    What did they expect when they were disarmed? At that point they became livestock. And though many may be angry at me for telling it, they should be angry at themselves and their herdsmen for making it so.

  2. F@ck the UK. Thats about as eloquently as I can express myself right now.

  3. QUOTE The family of a man who was stabbed to death by teenage thugs after he asked them to keep the noise down have been denied compensation - because he tried to fight off his killers. QUOTE

    Nightmarish...That is the only word I can use to describe this. The brainwashing the UK fascist machine imposed upon the people must have worked like a charm.

  4. Thank God for Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, G. Washington. If not for them and their compatriots we would be suffering the same fate.

    God Damn Brady, Holder, Feinstein, Obama, Clinton and the like. They're more than willing and more than ready to flush all the founding fathers' efforts down the sewer.


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