Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Mugged Liberal

“I can’t believe I’m here. I’ve been against guns and violence my whole life.” [More]
And how about that 10-day waiting period? Don't count on the "feminist" left to help you out.

It's nice to see Big Hollywood providing a forum for the right to keep and bear arms. And it's nice to see Robert J. Avrech being one of the voices.


  1. any form of "i'm against it" is pretty much the clarion call of boobus americanus. it involves no rational thought whatsoever, nevermind irrational thought. it's simply a pavlonian emotional response.

    if you take issue with something, be able to explain why.

  2. A similar experience led me firmly into the self-defense camp. I was simply STUNNED that I had to wait weeks (then) to get a gun when I knew criminals could get anything they wanted in minutes.

    I walked out of the store - convinced the dealer was BSing me, and was approached in the parking lot by a young #2 male who offered to sell me any one of a selection of pistols from his trunk.

    Expecting to be forced to use it to defend my home, and concerned that ballistics might implicate me in who-knows-what crime, I asked if he'd give me ID and a receipt. He slammed the trunk and burned the tires a bit as he left.

    That's when it hit me, as nothing else possibly could: "all these laws do is disarm the law-abiding."

    I wish more liberals could have such experiences...



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