Thursday, April 02, 2009

We're the Only Ones Racking 'em Up Enough

Two Baltimore police officers beat a teenager with a baton and a pool stick while he was handcuffed and shackled, then tried to cover up the attack with their sergeant's help, according to a federal indictment unsealed Wednesday. [More]
My friends, we got trouble
(Trouble, trouble)
Right here in Charm City...

Hey, every "Only One" knows the harder you strike with the cue, the more English you get.

[Via Bill Hicks]


  1. One of these diarrhea squirts, Mussmacher, has been suspended WITH PAY since 2004, and even though convicted in Feb.05', still is only suspended, not fired, with pay. The city of Baltimore sure knows how to treat its' convicts and criminals, but doesn't know squat about how to treat its' citizens. I wonder if these cretins know just whats' waiting for them out there when.....

  2. Were you there? Do you have access to all the details? How dare you question the good intentions of Law Enforcement?

    They have a tough job and...they are the thin blue line..... volunteering to lay down their lives...unappreciated...heroes...fighting crime...saving us from ourselves and...and uniforms...and Kryptonite and...

    Why don't all you piss ants just shut up, submit and comply. The Cops are ALWAYS right!


  3. Sniff...*choke*...sob...

    I...I...I surrender! Waaaaahhh!

  4. straightarrow4/02/2009 5:38 PM

    my youngest daughter who is approaching her 33 year, to this day will not tell me the identity of the Omaha, Ne. cop who threw her in a wall face first when she was 17, for the crime of shopping while young.

    She knows if I ever discover his name, I will kill him. No apologies, no keep me safe weasel words. If I ever find out who he is, I will kill him. All you law enforcement agents, out there, believe it. I will kill him if I ever find out who he is. 16 years makes no difference. I will kill him. Come get me if you don't like my response, but come prepared for some sad singing and slow walking at your houses too.

    I suppose, I am happy that the young man in this article got an out of court settlement and he didn't have to kill anybody. But, I ain't real happy about it. The country would be better off if he was poorer and the cops were three people short.

  5. Straigtarrow, I think killing him would be excessive and morally wrong if your daughter wasn't seriously injured. But I would help you beat the crap out of him.

  6. good thing only only ones can carry in maryland.

  7. straightarrow4/03/2009 12:01 AM

    Ahh, but Zach, you see they leave you no other choice but killing them. If you touch him, it's 20 years minimum for assaulting a police officer. So killing him is the only thing that will correct the original transgression on his part and exact a suitable payment for suffering punishment because of his exalted status.

    So, you see, my reaction is not excessive. It is the only way to achieve an effect that will get their attention. That is one of the unintended consequences of their "special ubercitizen" status. I don't think they thought it through, but I have.

    Having said all the above, knowing the penalty for whipping his ass if I find out who he is, I would kill him and make the effort worth the punishment.

    It is time for these massaged and gently handled pussies to start thinking about what they have wrought with all their "special" treatment.


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