Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're the Only Ones Who Do Not Believe Our Officers Acted Outside Policy Enough

Yeah, beating and tasing a guy who argues with you because you made him miss his flight over a bottle of Sprite sounds like an appropriate official response. [More]

The punks are lucky the sergeant did not revert to combat mode on them. They'd do well to remember the Battle of Athens. And to familiarize themselves with Oath Keepers.

As an aside, isn't it just like our government? The whole point behind TSAnal retentiveness is because Islamic terrorists hijacked airplanes. So here's a guy who is trying to go and fight those Islamic terrorists and they beat the hell out of him so badly he can't deploy.

It sometimes just boggles the mind.

I'd also like to know the names of all goons involved---and whether the one who claimed to be a reserve lieutenant truly is one.


  1. David,
    A question came to mind as I read that you'd like to know the names of all goons involved.

    Has anyone ever explored the idea of having a police brutality registration? Much like sex offenders must register with the state so that people can know the risks around them... why shouldn't we make state officials, who seek to brutalize average citizens, register as well.

    I support all of our officers of the peace... but these criminals in state costumes injuring citizens is a problem.

  2. "In an unrelated Chicago police brutality lawsuit, the city of Chicago is combating a judge’s request to release a list that names 662 Chicago cops who received 10 or more citizen complaints between 2001 and 2006."

    No one is safe until the police are policed by us.

  3. These guys need to have someone pay them a visit in a dark alley, turnabout is only fair play. So now we need to form a civilian police force to follow these Gestapo thugs around?

  4. Interesting idea, Santander. But I doubt the powers that be would be inclined to spin a web they could be caught in...

  5. straightarrow4/28/2009 1:39 PM

    these guys are slowing writing their own death warrants. And someday if they keep writing we are going to sign them.

    Some of us would already know where those officers lived, drank, and partied. Or at least where they did when they were alive.

  6. straightarrow the speller4/28/2009 1:40 PM

    slowly, not slowing

  7. Welcome to club Viet-Nam, Sarge. Where you put your ass on the line for your country(for very little pay), you do your job, and come home and get shit on and shunned. SA, yea, it's like that. They got something coming.

  8. Yes, clearly such a list would never happen... but everyone deserves a moment or two a day to daydream. :-)
    The best we have is the list that you are creating. Keep it up.

    Sean, I'm sure that "straightarrow" was referring to the not-so-straight law enforcement officers. I think most people would agree that it can be a thankless job. But there is a reason why their public image is, ahem, waning. Clearly the "us-vs-them" mentality can go both ways. ;-)

  9. These events need to be placed on a site so the military folks can see what these jack offs think of them.
    A site that lets the GI's know the pigs hate them and will abuse them at will.
    The pigs we have running our government are all about dividing us by race and every other angle. So lets serve them the same dish of hate and get the military and police to be divided.
    I would do this in a second if I knew how to set up a web site. When it comes to computer work I'm near worthless.
    I watched the videos and its clear that the little sawed off fat ass punk needs a dose of his own meds.
    One thing we can count on is the pigs will never police themselves.

  10. Was this Sgt. by himself? Well I know that no one from the Ist Air Cav. from 1965 wasn't with him or those cops would have recieved a beat down like you've never seen before. Same as those cops in Hawaii on Hotel Street when our boat stopped there for replenshment.

  11. Forwarding to my veteran warrior friends. I have a feeling they're not good bystanders either.

  12. Like I said, the police have zero respect for Vets or current GI's. The folks in the military need to get it through their heads. If they work with pigs they are setting the foundation for themselves to be beat down by pigs when they retire. Say nothing about the men who served before them.
    What we have with the pigs today is idiots who are full on goons who are being paid many times what their abilities are worth in the private sector to be ruthless goons to put fear in decent citizens for the criminal elite.
    This wish he was a man pig drew a line in the sand for all to see that these monsters are scum and are not part of us decent Americans. By this coward pig not being charged with criminals charges proves that he's not anything but the status quo, they all feel that way.

  13. I won't repeat my whole story about the TSA here practically strip-searching an elderly decorated wheelchair-using veteran WITH a letter from his knee-replacement surgeon about his implants. Made him walk through the arch. He could have fallen and broken a hip, the starting gun of fatal complications. The regional director found that within policy.
    That man sacrificed for his country. He has since died. Maybe it's better that he doesn't see what has been done with the republic he protected from fascism.


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